vBrownBag Follow-Up What’s New in vSphere 6.5 Availability & Resource Features w @mattdmeyer

We continue the What’s New in vSphere 6.5 vBrownBag series with Matthew Meyer, discussing new features in availability, and resource management features. Show Notes: Availability and Resource Management Features for vSphere 6.5 Presenter: Matthew Meyer Twitter: @mattdemeyer – Proactive HA (2:35) – Quarantine Mode (3:44) – HA Restart Priorities (11:58) – HA Orchestrated Restart (13:15)
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#vBrownBag VCAP6-DCV Design 3V0-622 Obj 2.1 with #VCDX @PCradduck

Hi everybody! Ariel here. Please remember that we are still looking to fill this series’ presenter slots – reach out on twitter to any of your friendly vBrownBag crew members such as Gregg, Rebecca, Frank, Brett or myself to get added, or use the @vBrownBagEMEA handle. In the third session of the VCAP6-DCD Design vBrownBag Series we
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#vBrownBag VCAP6-DCV Design 3V0-622 Obj 1.3 with #VCDX @RebeccaFitzhugh

Hi everybody! Ariel here. Please remember that we are still looking to fill this series’ presenter slots – reach out on twitter to any of your friendly vBrownBag crew members such as Gregg, Rebecca, Frank, Brett or myself to get added, or use the @vBrownBagEMEA handle. In the second session of the VCAP6-DCD Design vBrownBag Series (yes,
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vBrownBag Follow-Up What’s New in vSphere 6.5 – vCenter Server Appliance w Emad Younis @emad_younis

Adam Eckerle, TMA for vCenter with VMware and vBrownBag crew member, covers the new features in vCenter for vSphere 6.5 What’s New in vSphere 6.5 – vCenter Server Appliance Guest: Emad Younis Twitter: @emad_younis Show Notes: What’s New in vSphere 6.5 – vCenter Server Appliance – Why migrate to the vCenter Server Appliance? (2:14) –
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vBrownBag Follow-Up What’s New in vSphere 6.5 – vSphere & vCenter Overview w Adam Eckerle @eck79

Adam Eckerle, TMA for vCenter with VMware and vBrownBag crew member, covers the new features in vCenter for vSphere 6.5 What’s New in vSphere 6.5 – vSphere & vCenter Overview Guest: Adam Eckerle Twitter: @eck79 Show Notes: What’s New in vSphere 6.5 – vSphere and vCenter Overview – Advantages of the vCenter Server Appliance over
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#vBrownBag VCAP6-DCV Design 3V0-622 Obj 1.1 with #VCDX’s @JasonTweet7889 @GreggRobertson5

Hi everybody! Ariel here. Please remember that we are still looking to fill this series’ presenter slots – reach out on twitter to any of your friendly vBrownBag crew members such as Gregg, Rebecca, Frank, Brett or myself to get added, or use the @vBrownBagEMEA handle. In the first session of the VCAP6-DCD Design vBrownBag Series we
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vBrownBag Follow-Up Non-Technical Talk About DevOps Culture Jon Hildebrand (@snoopj123)

Jon Hildebrand talks about what a DevOps culture looks like on this episode of vBrownBag. Non-Technical Talk About DevOps Culture Video Gust: Jon Hilderand Twitter: @snoopj123 Show Notes: The Non-Technical Talk About the Parts of A DevOps Culture – People, Process, & Technology (14:20) – Why are we here? (15:40) – “CAMS” The 4 Pillars
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vBrownBag Follow-Up Forking public work & managing the PR process w Safia Abdalla @captainsafia

Safia Abdalla joins the vBrownBag to review how to work with, and commit to public repos on GitHub. From forking public work, to committing to it, and managing the pull request process. Forking public work & managing the PR process Video Guest: Safia Abdalla Twitter: @captainsafia Show Notes – Forking public work, committing to it,
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vBrownBag Follow Up Gitting Out of a Mess with Katie Sylor-Miller (@ksylor)

Katie Sylor-Miller, who blogs at http://ohshitgit.com/ joins us during the Commitmas season to discuss how you can “git” out of a mess when using git/GitHub. Gitting Out of a Mess Video Guest: Katie Sylor-Miller Twitter: @ksylor Show Notes – Gitting out of a mess with Katie Sylor-Miller – Dont git into a mess in the
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vBrownBag Follow-Up What’s New in vSphere 6.5 – vSphere & vCenter Overview w Adam Eckerle @eck79

Adam Eckerle, TMA for vCenter with VMware and vBrownBag crew member, covers the new features in vCenter for vSphere 6.5 What’s New in vSphere 6.5 – vSphere & vCenter Overview Video Guest: Adam Eckerle Twitter: @eck79 Show Notes: What’s New in vSphere 6.5 – vSphere and vCenter Overview – Advantages of the vCenter Server Appliance
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2016-dic-15 #vBrownBag LATAM – VMware blog tips con @arielsanchezmor @aantigua @j_kolkes

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. En el ultimo episodio del 2016 contestamos preguntas que todos nos hemos hecho: Deberia tener un blog? Como empezar? Que beneficios y dificultades conlleva? Dos vExperts con el nombre de Ariel contestan, y tambien un nuevo blogger, Jorge Torres, nos da
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2016-feb-11 #vBrownBag LATAM – Nutanix CE & Ravello: primeros pasos con @virtualizecr

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. En esta oportunidad uno de nuestros miembros fundadores, Larry Gonzalez, nos da una introduccion al software de Nutanix que sirve para aprender sobre la plataforma en el homelab, llamado Community Edition; y nos da un demo de como instalarlo en ambientes
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2016-dic-08 #vBrownBag LATAM – pfSense en VMware: primeros pasos con @virtualizecr y @aantigua

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. En esta oportunidad uno de nuestros miembros fundadores, Larry Gonzalez, nos da una introduccion al software de firewall pfSense (www.pfsense.org) y nos da un demo de como usarlo en ambientes VMware. Se le une uno de nuestros primeros vExperts, Ariel Antigua,
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2016-dic-01 #vBrownBag LATAM – Nutanix Deep Dive con @ivanrcamargo y @camilonutanix

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. En esta ocasion Ivan Camargo y Camilo Duran se adentran en la plataforma Nutanix dandonos un “deep dive”, junto con un preview de los nuevos features q vienen en la version 5. 3:22 Introduccion y agenda 7:28 Explicando Nutanix 9:17 Cinco
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2016-nov-10 #vBrownBag LATAM – VCAP6 DCV Design Tips @david_mirror con @stalin_pena @patote83

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. En esta oportunidad le pedimos a los miembros de la comunidad que hicieron el examen beta VCAP6-DCV de diseno que nos den sus impresiones, recursos de estudio, lecciones aprendidas y consejos (sin revelar el examen obviamente!). 5:03 Recursos de estudio 25:43
-> Continue reading 2016-nov-10 #vBrownBag LATAM – VCAP6 DCV Design Tips @david_mirror con @stalin_pena @patote83

vBrownBag Follow-Up Lessons Learned Writing the DevOps Handbook w Gene Kim (@realgenekim)

Gene Kim joins the vBrownBag to discuss the leasons learned while writing the DevOps Handbook. Top Lessons Learned Since The Phoenix Project, Researching And Writing The DevOps Handbook Video Guest: Gene Kim Twitter: @realgenekim Show Notes: – DevOps Handbook Stats (2:00) – High performance teams out pace others w lower failure rate (3:15) – High
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2016-nov-03 #vBrownBag LATAM – Primeros pasos en Microsoft @Azure con Sergio Muñoz @mrserch

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. En esta oportunidad Sergio Munoz https://twitter.com/mrserch nos da una excelente introduccion de Microsoft Azure, explicando los conceptos basicos, contandonos del examen que piensa tomar, y haciendo un demo. Si quiere saltar directo a cierta parte de la presentacion puede usar los
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vBrownBag Follow-Up Git Ops in Shape for DevOps w Taylor Riggan (@triggan)

Taylor Riggan (@triggan on Twitter) kicks off Commitmas 3 with how to get ops people on board with DevOps and how Git can help them in their day to day jobs. Git Ops in Shape for DevOps Video Show notes: – Handy git cheat sheet – Base commands to learn in git – On premises
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vBrownBag Follow-Up Introduction to Foreman with Greg Sutcliffe (@Gwmngilfen)

Greg Sutcliffe, @Gwmngilfen on Twitter and community lead for @ForemanProject gives an introduction to Foreman. Foreman Video For more information on Formeman visit: – http://projects.theforeman.org – http://projects.theforeman.org/projects/foreman/wiki/List_of_Plugins Originally published by vbrownbag.com