VMware Infrastructure as Code with Brett Johnson (@brettjohnson008)

Brett Johnson introduces the concept of infrastructure as code, CD/CD pipeline, and Git best practices. Git Resources: Commitmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlY_hqvCmqY&list=PL2rC-8e38bUXloBOYChAl0EcbbuVjbE3t Git Documentation: https://git-scm.com/doc

VMware and Terraform Infrastructure as Code with Grant Orchard (@grantorchard)

https://youtu.be/ag36WCKrq5g Grant Orchard demonstrates using Terraform to deploy VMware VMs as code. He starts simple then introduces variables and shows how to deploy a complete application stack leveraging Terraform modules. Check out Grant’s blog series at https://grantorchard.com/infrastructure-as-code-vsphere-admin-part1/ Follow Grant on twitter at https://www.twitter.com/GrantOrchard 3:00 – Brief introduction to Terraform 16:00 – Dependency Resolution/graphviz 19:00 –
-> Continue reading VMware and Terraform Infrastructure as Code with Grant Orchard (@grantorchard)

VMware APIs as a Service using OpenFaaS and VIO Kubernetes w Cody De Arkland (@codydearkland)

A vBrownBag “speed-round” where we saw how much Kubernetes, OpenFaas, and vSphere API’s we could cram into! VMware APIs as a Service using OpenFaaS and VIO Kubernetes Video We take an empty vSphere Integrated OpenStack Kubernetes cluster, and deploy OpenFaaS on it. In it’s normal state, it deploys to single node, behind a port. Traditional
-> Continue reading VMware APIs as a Service using OpenFaaS and VIO Kubernetes w Cody De Arkland (@codydearkland)

vSphere 6.5 RESTful APIs with Kyle Ruddy (@kmruddy)

Kyle Ruddy reviews the RESTful APIs available with vSphere 6.5 *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in IT infrastructure and we help other people in the IT industry to better their carreers by
-> Continue reading vSphere 6.5 RESTful APIs with Kyle Ruddy (@kmruddy)

Using RESTful APIs w Peter Milanese @pmilano1

Rubrik’s Peter Milanese discusses: – Authentication – Calling a ReSTful API – Writing Code Using RESTful APIs Video *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in IT infrastructure and we help other people in
-> Continue reading Using RESTful APIs w Peter Milanese @pmilano1

Alexa, tell me about my VMware with Cody De Arkland @codydearkland

Cody De Arkland talks about building integration for VMware with Amazon Echo using VMware’s APIs. Using Python, Flask, NodeJS, Echo Skills, and Visual Studio Code. Using Amazon Echo and VMware Video *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping other
-> Continue reading Alexa, tell me about my VMware with Cody De Arkland @codydearkland

Introduction to RESTful APIs with Chris Wahl (@chriswahl)

Chris Wahl from Rubrik kicks off the API Zero to Hero series with an introduction to RESTful APIs. Introduction to RESTful APIs Video Show Notes: – Imperative vs Declarative (2:20) – Avoid building by hand (4:25) – Learning a RESTful API is really easy (7:10) – What is REST (7:55) – Why learn RESTful APIs?
-> Continue reading Introduction to RESTful APIs with Chris Wahl (@chriswahl)

API Series Coming Soon – Dear Infrastructure People, Time To Learn Some Coding Practices!

**Updated 6/20/17** Awesome news! Lior Kamrat and Byron Shcaller will be presenting on Terraform APIs on 11/15!! Hey vBrownBag Readers, I wanted to let you know about a series we are kicking off on September 6th after VMworld 2017 – think of it as a Zero to API Hero sort of thing – okay, maybe
-> Continue reading API Series Coming Soon – Dear Infrastructure People, Time To Learn Some Coding Practices!

vBrownBag Follow-Up What’s New in PowerCLI 6.5 R1 with Kyle Ruddy (@kmruddy)

Kyle Ruddy talks about what’s new with PowerCLI 6.5 Show Notes: What’s New in vSphere 6.5 PowerCLI 6.5. Presenter: Kyle Ruddy Twitter: @kmruddy – What is PowerCLI (2:55) – VMware PowerCLI – what’s in a name! (4:40) – Module based (6:35) – Cross vCenter vMotion with PowerCLI (8:40) – DEMO! Cross vCenter vMotion (11:45) –
-> Continue reading vBrownBag Follow-Up What’s New in PowerCLI 6.5 R1 with Kyle Ruddy (@kmruddy)

#vBrownBag Follow-Up VMware NSX PowerShell Modules with Kyle Ruddy (@kmruddy)

Kyle Ruddy shows you how you can manage VMware NSX through PowerShell/PowerCLI by reviewing his own modules written to take advantage of the NSX API. You can find the modules on GitHub. VMware NSX PowerShell Module Video You can follow Kyle on Twitter @kmruddy and his blog thatcouldbeaproblem.com. Originally published by ProfessionalVMware.com where you can
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Link Dump – 3/12/12

I’ve again hit the point where Chrome was eating up too much memory. Thusly, here’s what is currently in my open tabs: PCoIP, Win 8, iPad – http://myvirtualcloud.net/?p=2984 Resource Pool Shares & vCD – http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2012/02/28/resource-pool-shares-dont-make-sense-with-vcloud-director/ vBenchmark – http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2012/02/29/cool-tool-vbenchmark-fling/ Building Block Scaling – http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2012/03/02/scale-out-building-block-style-or-should-i-say-yellow-brick-style/ Use vCO to manage View – http://cloudnutz.com/2012/03/07/using-vmware-vco-to-manage-vmware-view/ vCenter 5 API for Guest
-> Continue reading Link Dump – 3/12/12

New Script – Get VM or ESX Host UUIDs (get-uuid.ps1)

UUIDs are wonderful! Really. They’re just not all that easy to get to, at least not when you need more than a few of them at a time. That is where this script comes in: # get-uuid.ps1 # # Takes either a VMHost or VM object from the pipeline, returns the corresponding UUID. Begin {
-> Continue reading New Script – Get VM or ESX Host UUIDs (get-uuid.ps1)