BrownBag – VDI & Storage!

Woot! We’ve touched on storage before (here) but we have not yet scratched the surface of VDI let alone how it effects storage. More than that, we’ll have some VDI experts from around the community to talk to us. First, the critical details: Critical Details: Date/Time: 6/22 @ 7PM CSTRegister: Speaker Bios: Michael Letschin
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vSensei – Good Infrastructure Like Bamboo

Occasionally I run into a good post from elsewhere (The Art of Suffering, vZen, etc) that has lessons that translate into our world quite well. This time around I was reading a bit on Garr Reynolds’ PresentationZen blog and came across this post. The post while not directly related to IT infrastructure, Garr’s bag is
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vCenter Orchestrator on VMware Press!

So this thing here happened. More importantly, the work I’ve been doing is now public: “Automating Day-to-Day Administration of VMware vSphere 5.x w/ vCenter Orchestrator” This hands-on technical guide to automating vSphere with Orchestrator teaches administrators how to save time and resources by automating their virtual infrastructure. Automation expert Cody Bunch teaches valuable practices and
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BrownBag – Nick Weaver Edition!

It’s that time again… when I put a post out days before the next BrownBag without really having a topic or goal in mind. Like every other time, the nerves get up… will they sense how haphazard and fickle this house of cards is before the show? While I know somewhere deep down, it’ll all
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Spring Cleaning – Orphaned VM Files with vCO

Hey… if Luc can do it, so can I, right? Turns out that yes, I can, and it’s quite easy with vCenter Orchestrator also. If you haven’t already, check out these other posts on vCO: Mass Migrations Check for Snapshots Get Started with vCO vCO BrownBag Now, our task at hand, clean up some orphaned
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Book Reviews – ESXi in the Enterprise

Amazon posted my 4 star review of Ed Haletky’s (@Texiwill) updated VMware ESX and ESXi in the Enterprise. Let me start with saying I’ve read the first edition of this book and Ed’s Security book and found both to be excellent. As this book was a second edition, I focused my reading on those updated
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BrownBag Follow-Up vSphere Security with Ed Haletky

The Video: ProfessionalVMware BrownBags – vSphere Security from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. The Links: Ed’s Site – Ed’s vSphere Security Book Ed on Twitter Summary: First, I seem to have misplaced the chat logs. There were a few good links shared. If y’all still have them handy, please drop them in the comments. As you
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TIL – Some ESXi CLI-Fu (Start/Stop/List VMs)

Following up on some of my other TIL posts and a really really bad “vMotion on a stick” experiment, I had to get down and dirty with the ESXi CLI. Without further adieu heres how to List, Start, and Stop VMs from the ESXi CLI (aka TSM): Note: You’ll need to have TSM (ssh) enabled
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BrownBag Security – Ed Haletky (@Texiwill)

Hot on the heels of Scott Lowe, we are going to have Ed Haletky  (aka @texiwill) on the BrownBags to talk about “Virtual Environment Security”. That is, the security of your virtual environment and associated management components. Critical Details: Date/Time: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 @ 7PM CST Register: Ed’s Last BrownBag This is not
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BrownBag Follow-Up – Scott Lowe Edition

The Video ProfessionalVMware Technical BrownBags – Scott Lowe from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Scott’s Take Away: Know the products you are working with. Then, know them some more. …Really, know them frontwards and backwards Also, know how they interact with other technologies Links: Scott’s Blog – Jason’s Blog – Buy the “vShpere Design” book
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TrainSignal PowerCLI Training – Now Available

Not sure how to write this without sounding the gushing Fanboi, but I’ll give it a shot… Hal Rottenberg, in combination with TrainSignal have released “VMware vSphere PowerCLI Training”. To give you an idea as to how much awesome is packed in there… Hal is the author of the first Managing VMware with PowerShell books
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Come Talk vSphere Design with Scott Lowe – BrownBag

Scott Lowe will be along for this weeks BrownBag to talk vSphere Design, his new book, and anything else we can come up with. New Book? Yes, Scott, in combination with Maish Saidel-Keesing, and Forbes Guthrie have put together a tome of… well, vSphere Design awesomeness. Go read a sample chapter here, or order it
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VMware Tools ISO for Linux Guests

The RPM version of the VMware tools installer for Linux guests seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur. In addition, the tools ISO for Linux has been provided as it’s own download, that is hidden away on the ESX or ESXi download pages, rather than the “Tools and Drivers” page. Not sure why,
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Some PowerCLI 101 – Connecting to Multiple vCenters

A few things brought this post together. First is that Glen Sizemore of Get-Admin and I have co-submitted a “vSphere Automation 101 – PowerCLI” session to the VMworld 2011 CFP. We thought it’d be an excellent idea to share some of that content before hand. The second, and just as important, is that I’m Lazy
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TIL – VMware Driver Floppy Images Already Included

Perhaps it’s just been a while since I’ve needed said floppy image, but I recall a time when you had to search the VMware KB to get the XP LSI driver. Well, today while changing some of my lab VMs over to PVSCSI, I found that the needed floppy images are in “/vmimages/floppies/” (at least
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