Book Reviews – vSphere Design


Amazon just posted my 5 star review of VMware vSphere Design. The review:

I received this book via Kindle loan for 14 days, of which I only needed about 12 to get through it. Mind, that is not because the content was light, far from it. It was because the book did the following things:

1) Taught me a few new things.
2) Made me think about the way things are done… to question the “why’s” behind certain design decisions
3) Made me pop open Google (more than a few times) to dig in deeper about a topic.

Chapter one, where the design process is laid out calls out the importance of having an operational component in your vSphere design. This is an area that often doesn’t get much focus, so it was good to see it called out. Chapter 9, Designing for Security, is also a key component and “Risk Scenario” based approach was excellent and my only wish here, is that the chapter would have come sooner, or been integrated as a component into each chapter. There were a few spots where some of the recommendations were dated, but this is a risk you run into with any published material. I would also have liked to see more vApp coverage.

Additionally, we had Scott Lowe, one of the authors of said book for hanging out on a BrownBag:


ProfessionalVMware Technical BrownBags – Scott Lowe from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo.