TrainSignal PowerCLI Training – Now Available

Not sure how to write this without sounding the gushing Fanboi, but I’ll give it a shot… Hal Rottenberg, in combination with TrainSignal have released “VMware vSphere PowerCLI Training”. To give you an idea as to how much awesome is packed in there… Hal is the author of the first Managing VMware with PowerShell books
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Come Talk vSphere Design with Scott Lowe – BrownBag

Scott Lowe will be along for this weeks BrownBag to talk vSphere Design, his new book, and anything else we can come up with. New Book? Yes, Scott, in combination with Maish Saidel-Keesing, and Forbes Guthrie have put together a tome of… well, vSphere Design awesomeness. Go read a sample chapter here, or order it
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