vBrownBag US Security Month Follow-Up (@Texiwill)

vBrownBags with Edward Haletky (virtualizationpractice / @texiwill) are always delighting, also a bit frightening. Last night we talked theory, design, and practicalities for end-to-end security when designing or selecting a Cloud deployment. Video Slides I don’t have the slides specifically, however, they can be found here.

#vBrownBag VCP-IAAS Follow-Ups

Whoops. It’s been a while since I’ve posted the Follow-Ups for these. Here is the Video for our VCP-IAAS intro and the slide decks for both the intro & Section 1.1. #vBrownBag VCP-IAAS Intro Video Slides #vBrownBag VCP-IAAS Objective 1.1 Slides Video The video for this one is undergoing editing… will post when it’s done.

#vBrownBag Call For Speakers – Barcelona

Will you be at VMworld Barcelona? Did you have a session rejected from the VMworld Call for Papers? Do you have something technical you want to share? Heck, did you just want to come and do a quick chat with other folks in the VMware community? Now is the time to get your voice heard
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Call For Speakers – Barcelona

#vBrownBag US Restart (VCP-IAAS)

We were originally planning on taking a month off. However, we’re quite energized coming off from VMworld US, have a good amount of content (security month, VCP-IAAS, and “Sack Lunches” (more on that some other time (nested parens FTW))), that we just needed to keep going. Here’s the details for the new series: #vBrownBag VCP-IAAS
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#vBrownBag – VMworld 2012 Materials

Couldn’t make it to the show, but still wanted the #vBrownBag USB Key of awesomeness? Click the Big Green Arrow to pull down the file. Warning: it’s nearly 4GB in size. It will take a while to download. In that file, is everything that was on the USB keys. Update: This needs an MD5 check
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VMworld Wrap-Up

There are going to be plenty of posts around all of the various parties and announcements that happened at the show. Rather than go down that typical path, I’ll just highlight a few of my personal favorite moments of the week: Everything related to the vBrownBags – Assembly, Distribution, #NotSupported, and Live Streaming, and most
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up – VCAP-DCA 1.2 & 1.3

This week Hersey Cartwright (@herseyc) finished up the VCAP5-DCA series (I think), by rounding out Objective 1.2 and 1.3. VCAP-DCA Objective 1.2 & 1.3 Slides Video Show Notes So, @chriswahl has put together an AMAZING study guide… get it here. More #vBrownBag Goodness iTunes: http://t.co/07DGNQsTFeedburner: http://t.co/2Fic71ZW

#vBrownBag – July 18, 19 – Follow-Up

Last week the US vBrownBags had Josh Atwell pulling double duty on hosting and presenting the vBrownBag covering the VCAP-DCA Blueprint Objective 8.1. He also had the pleasure of announcing the VMware Communities Tech Talks powered by the vBrownBags at VMworld US (more on this in a bit). The APAC vBrownBags also knocked it out
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag – July 18, 19 – Follow-Up

#vBrownBag–Week Off, but Awesome Nonetheless

This week’s US #vBrownBag coincides with a US holiday of great importance, thus, we’ll be taking a pass this week in favor of celebrating the birthday of our great nation. That said, I do still have some awesome #vBrownBag related news. USB Keys! So, what’s so cool about these keys (besides the fact that they’re
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag–Week Off, but Awesome Nonetheless

[US] #vBrownBag Follow-Up – VCAP-DCA Objective 9 (w/ @herseyc)

Video Slides Links http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-50/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.vsphere.upgrade.doc_50%2FGUID-9040F0B2-31B5-406C-9000-B02E8DA785D4.html http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-50/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.vsphere.install.doc_50%2FGUID-980D9E38-633E-4557-9144-AC422FA239C5.html http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2011/09/05/cheat-sheet-auto-deploy/ http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-50/topic/com.vmware.ICbase/PDF/vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-501-auto-deploy-guide.pdf http://www.gabesvirtualworld.com/my-first-auto-deploy-design-for-real-production-environment/ http://jeremywaldrop.wordpress.com/2010/11/11/cisco-ucs-service-profile-coolness/ http://communities.vmware.com/thread/328034 http://download3.vmware.com/software/vmw-tools/autodeploygui/VMwareAutoDeployGUIPracticalGuide5.pdf http://blogs.vmware.com/esxi/2011/09/sample-scripts-for-automating-auto-deploy.html

[APAC] #vBrownBag Follow-Up – VCAP-DCD VM Design

Video Slides Links Windows 7 Optimization guide.  Think about applying these to your servershttp://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/VMware-View-OptimizationGuideWindows7-EN.pdf vSphere HA Application monitoringhttp://www.yellow-bricks.com/2011/08/11/vsphere-5-0-ha-application-monitoring-intro/ Remove non-present devices after P2V using scripthttp://www.boche.net/blog/index.php/2011/06/11/scripted-removal-of-non-present-hardware-after-a-p2v/ Kendrick Colemans’s VM Advanced ISO. Free Tools For Advanced Taskshttp://kendrickcoleman.com/index.php?/Tech-Blog/vm-advanced-iso-free-tools-for-advanced-tasks.html