#vBrownBag Podcast of Plenty

Hello readers! Josh Atwell here. The #vBrownBag crew here at ProfessionalVMware.com has been extremely blessed in 2012 with amazing community support for what we organize on the podcast. In 2012 we’ve managed to produce a VCP5 Series, VCAP5-DCA, VCAP5-DCD series as well as months focused on storage and security. We’ve expanded into APAC, now starting
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Working With Razor

First, some background on Razor: http://nickapedia.com/2012/05/21/lex-parsimoniae-cloud-provisioning-with-a-razor/ http://purevirtual.eu/2012/07/02/how-to-get-started-with-razor-and-puppet-part-1/ http://www.virtuallyghetto.com/2012/05/how-to-deploy-esxi-5-using-razor-puppet.html Take the time to read those over, install it, work with it a bit in VMs or so, as this takes off with the assumption that you already have a working Razor installation. 1) Rebuilding the razor.ipxe file:razor config ipxe > /var/lib/tftpboot/razor.ipxe 2) Alternative DNSMASQ for chain
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