#vBrownBag – July 18, 19 – Follow-Up

Last week the US vBrownBags had Josh Atwell pulling double duty on hosting and presenting the vBrownBag covering the VCAP-DCA Blueprint Objective 8.1. He also had the pleasure of announcing the VMware Communities Tech Talks powered by the vBrownBags at VMworld US (more on this in a bit). The APAC vBrownBags also knocked it out of the park covering vCOPS.

#vBrownBag US

#vBrownBag APAC

#vBrownBags at VMworld

In case you hadn’t heard, or seen the signup form yet, the VMworld Tech Talks powered by #vBrownBags are going to be a series of quick hit, lightning fast, deeply technical talks in the VMworld communities lounge. Like the vBrownBags, this will only work with your participation, so, if you submitted a session that got rejected or just have something that needs be heard (or you want to wrap up some of the sessions you attended, etc). Drop us a line.