How has the VMware community improved your career?

Hi everyone, Damian here. I’ve been asked to speak at the Seattle VMUG on April 1st, and Jonathan Frappier has been asked to speak at the Providence VMUG later in March. Our respective planned topics include a discussion around the VMware community (Twitter, the #vBrownBag, conferences, #vBeers, VMUGs, etc.) and its benefit to your career.
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up Using #vCO to manage Active Directory and Exchange with Sean Massey (@seanpmassey)

VMware’s vCenter Orchestrator is usually thought of as a tool for automating VMware environments. But when vCO is combined with PowerShell, it can be used to automate and manage Microsoft applications as well. In this installment of Automate All the Things Sean Massey (@seanpmassey) will talk about how to automate Active Directory and Exchange using
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Follow-Up Using #vCO to manage Active Directory and Exchange with Sean Massey (@seanpmassey)

#vBrownBag Follow-Up Home Lab builds with Mark Gabryjelski (@markgabbs)

Mark Gabryjelski dropped in on the #vBrownBag to give some tips and tricks on building a home lab capable of running nested ESXi servers. You can find additional videos from Mark about this build at Video You can sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ and follow some of our ongoing
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up Virtualizing Latency Sensitive Apps in vSphere with Anthony Elizondo (@complex)

Anthony Elizondo discusses the features available in vSphere that allow you to virtualize latency sensitive applications and services such a VOIP.  You can find Anthony on Twitter @complex Video You can sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ and follow some of our ongoing series such as the Automate All The Things
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Follow-Up Virtualizing Latency Sensitive Apps in vSphere with Anthony Elizondo (@complex)

#vBrownbag Follow-Up Conquering Storage Performance w Vishal Misra (@vishalmisra) and Jonathan Klick (@jonathanklick)

Stand back! Vishal Misra (@vishalmisra) and Jonathan Klick (@jonathanklick) join the #vBrownBag to try science! Vishal and Jonathan talk about the science behind storage performance, providing an understanding of how IOPS and throughput can effect latency, then wrap up with a review of how server side caching vendors such as Infinio, PernixData, Proximal Data
-> Continue reading #vBrownbag Follow-Up Conquering Storage Performance w Vishal Misra (@vishalmisra) and Jonathan Klick (@jonathanklick)

#vBrownbag Follow-Up Frank Buechsel Covering VCAP-CID Objective 2 -Create a vCloud Logical Design

On the 28th of January 2014 Frank Buechsel  covered VCAP-CID Objective 2 -Create a vCloud Logical Design.The recording from the webinar is below: EMEA vBrownbag with Frank Buechsel Covering VCAP-CID Objective 2 -Create a vCloud Logical Design from EMEA vBrownbag on Vimeo.

Automate All The Things #vBrownBag Follow Up – Hardcore vCAC with Jon Harris (@ThevCACguy)

Jon Harris, @thevcacguyon Twitter joins the #vBrownBag to present the next session in the Automate All The Things series on vCloud Automation Center (vCAC) where he covered IT Business Management suite  standard and the vCAC 6 Advanced Services Designer. Video You can sign up for the #vBrownBag at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ and check out our Automate
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#vBrownBag VMware VCAP Administration Bootcamp with John Arrasjid (@vcdx001) and Mostafa Khalil (@MostafaVMW)

John Arrasjid and Mostafa Khalil from VMware join the #vBrownBag to present the VMware Certified Advanced Professional Administration Bootcamp. The bootcamp covers considerations, challenges and blueprints for all 3 VCAP Administration exams (VCAP-DCA, VCAP-CIA, VCAP-DTA). You can find John on Twitter @vcdx001 and Mostafa at @MostafaVMW. Video Sign up for the #vBrownBag at
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag VMware VCAP Administration Bootcamp with John Arrasjid (@vcdx001) and Mostafa Khalil (@MostafaVMW)

Automate ALL The Things #vBrownBag Follow Up – vCO Install & Config with Mike Preston (@mwpreston)

Mike Preston joins us to review the installation and configuration of the vCenter Orchestrator appliance, how to integrate it with the vSphere Web Client and also reviews PowerShell integration and workflow execution. Video Referenced Materials You can find the Kerberos configs referenced during the show at: 5.1 – 5.5 – You can find Mike on
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Automate ALL The Things #vBrownBag Follow Up – vCO Getting Started with Joerg Lew (@joerglew)

VMware’s Joeg Lew (@joerglew) presents an overview of the features and functionality of vCO 5.5 and a live demo of the install, configuration and the drag and drop workflow builder.  A very special and big thank you to Joerg who was doing this presentation at 3AM local time! Video #vBrownBag Automate ALL the things –
-> Continue reading Automate ALL The Things #vBrownBag Follow Up – vCO Getting Started with Joerg Lew (@joerglew)

Automate ALL The Things #vBrownBag Follow Up – vCAC 6.0 Config with Jon Harris (@ThevCACGuy)

In part 2 of the vCAC 6.0 coverage, Jon Harris dives into use cases and features to allow you to setup your own private cloud such as work flows, templates, and new features like the remote console to access VMs directly from the vCAC web UI. #vBrownBag Automate ALL the things – vCAC 6.0 Getting
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Automate ALL The Things #vBrownBag Follow Up – vCAC 6.0 Install with Jon Harris (@ThevCACGuy)

Jon Harris helps you get a jump on installing and configuring vCAC 6.0 along with the necessary components and appliances such as SSO. Video #vBrownBag Automate ALL the things – vCAC 6.0 Installation with Jon Harris (@ThevCACGuy) from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo.

#vBrownBag Follow Up – VCAP Design Bootcamp Part 2 with John Arrasjid, Linus Bourque and Jon Hall

In part 2 of the VCAP Design Boot Camp, John Arrasjid, Linus Bourque and Jon Hall review the various types of questions you will see on the VCAP Design exams as well as reviews examples of each type of question. Video #vBrownBag VCAP Design Boot Camp Part 2 with John Arrasjid (@vcdx001), Linux Bourque (@linusbourque)
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Follow Up – VCAP Design Bootcamp Part 2 with John Arrasjid, Linus Bourque and Jon Hall

Automate ALL The Things #vBrownBag Follow Up – PowerCLI for the Infrastructure admin with Alan Renouf (@alanrenouf)

Alan Renouf returns for another #vBrownBag PowerCLI session, helping you Automate All The Things.  Alan shows us how to leverage PowerGUI to create PowerCLI to build scripts to monitor and automate your VMware infrastructure. Video #vBrownBag Automate ALL the things – PowerCLI for the infrastructure manager with Alan Renouf (@alanrenouf) from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo.

2013-nov-14 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM #Puppetize c/ @DevOps_ES @edransIT y @puppetlabs

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El pasado 14 de noviembre en ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM se presentó el tema #Puppetize c/ Pablo Wright @DevOps_ES @edransIT y @puppetlabs Pablo D. Wright, Technical Operations   Algunos recursos en inglés: IRC: freenode #puppet Google group:   En
-> Continue reading 2013-nov-14 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM #Puppetize c/ @DevOps_ES @edransIT y @puppetlabs

#vBrownBag Follow Up – VCAP Design Bootcamp with John Arrasjid, Mostafa Khalil and Linus Bourque

In part one of a two-part VCAP Design Boot Camp, John Arrasjid, Mostafa Khalil, Linus Bourque and JonHall reviewed the blueprints for the VCAP-DCD, VCAP-CID and VCAP-DTD exams.  On Tuesday November 19th, they will dive back in and review test examples to help you prepare for the exam. Video #vBrownBag VCAP Design Boot Camp with
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Follow Up – VCAP Design Bootcamp with John Arrasjid, Mostafa Khalil and Linus Bourque