#vBrownBag VMware Desktop as a Service with Kris Boyd (@virtualboyd)

Kristopher Boyd stops by to introduce VMware’s new Desktop as a Service (DaaS) offering to enable organizations to provide VDI solutions as a completely hosted solution. Video You can find Kris on Twitter @VirtualBoyd Sign up for the live ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can get updates on our upcoming Cisco certification track
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag VMware Desktop as a Service with Kris Boyd (@virtualboyd)

#vBrownBag EMEA Follow-Up The vFLOWer Toolkit with Kaido Kibin

The vFLOWer Toolkit, created by ByteLife Solutions, converts vCO packages into versionable source code (XML) and vice versa. In this form, it is more practical to manage and control the development and dissemination of vCO workflows and actions between different teams of developers using popular source control solutions such as GitHub. In this presentation, Kaido
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag EMEA Follow-Up The vFLOWer Toolkit with Kaido Kibin