Is Your NMI Stuck? – More On The NMI Stuck Issue

Is your NMI stuck? Well you better catch it! Hey! I’m allowed to make bad jokes. After all, that is why you keep coming back, no? So to follow up some on our prior NMI issues. It seems that unlike what was stated before, this isn’t specific to resource constraints, x64, or vSMP. In fact,
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VMware Guide to HA Troubleshooting

This is much better than the post I had written, so here it goes. You are unable to add an ESX Server to a cluster in the VMware High Availability (HA) configuration . This article provides you with steps to: Troubleshoot an ESX Server that cannot be added to a cluster Troubleshoot VMware HA configuration
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It Still Doesn’t Work – Windows 2003 Standard 32bit & 4 GB Ram

I’ve run across several cases recently where assigning 4GB of memory to a 32bit VM caused some concern by folks looking at what’s available in the system properties. Example:   The VM is set to use 4GB ram (4096MB) & Booted. Properties show less than 4GB As does Task Manager So why is this? It’s
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OpenSuse 11.1 on VMware Workstation – vmware-modconfig

It’s not often you’re likely to see a VMware Workstation post here. Why? Because for my limited use case, it “Just Works”. Really, it just does. This weekend however, I had some minor issues, why? Well, at some time on Friday (Saturday?) my Ubuntu 8.04 host install gave up the ghost. Some update or another
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Ubuntu Cloning – Mac Address Change Mayhem.

Apparently networking in Ubuntu goes funny when you change it’s Mac Address, and picks up the changed MAC as a new NIC, and assigns it the next number sequentially. While you can get around this by statically setting the MAC address, you generally want to avoid that. Having duplicate MAC addresses is a “Bad Idea”
-> Continue reading Ubuntu Cloning – Mac Address Change Mayhem.

e1000 vNIC’s Hate Me – How To Find And Change vNic Types With The VI ToolKit

Well, this being the third time I’m trying to write this post (some issues with my Wwindows 7 VM, something to be said for autosave). VMware recently released a white paper showing a performance comparison between the e1000 and enhanced vmxnet drivers. In most cases the vmxnet driver outperformed and used less CPU overall than
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Bad Things Happen at 2am – How To Resign a VMFS Partition

Well, it started at midnight, a standard hardware upgrade really. Power down the VM’s, shut down the host, and call the DC team to do their thing. Twenty minutes later, got a ring from the DC, that the upgrade had been completed. I popped open the VC, and well, there was no local storage. It
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VMware Time Keeping Best Practices KB Updates

VMware has updated their Time Keeping Best Practices KB’s. The new timekeeping articles are: 1006427 Timekeeping best practices for Linux 1007020 Linux using TSC clocksource stops responding 1008284 Time falls behind in a virtual machine when the guest operating system writes to previously unwritten regions of its virtual disk 1005861 Time falls behind in virtual
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VI3 Network Troubleshooting Guide

The VMware Networking Blog has posted a useful set of slides on troubleshooting VMware networking: At VMworld last September, one of our engineering staff, Srinivas Neginhal, delivered a fabulous breakout session  on the topic of “VI3 Networking: Advanced Troubleshooting.” Srinivas squeezed a 79-slide deck into the available time—he could have easily doubled or tripled the
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How To Read Dumps – ESX Crash Dumps That Is

About thirty years ago in the jungle in South Korea I was spending some time living as a monk. One of the things I learned from these monks, was the ancient art of Dump reading. Yes! That’s right, I can tell the future by reading the finer texture and smell of a dump. Ok, while
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Vendor Utilities – Dell DSET and ESX

Not sure how useful these will be to anyone else, but here is how to get & use Dell’s DSET utility on ESX: First pull the DSET utility from here. sftp (scp, etc) Dell’s DSET utility to your home dir. chmod 777 the DSET util [root]# ls -alh total 24M -rwxrwxrwx    1 bunchc     bunchc          24M
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Trouble Getting VMware HA Working? – Basic Troubleshooting For VMware’s HA

Trouble with your HA config? vCenter (VirtualCenter) giving you all kinds of crap while setting it up? Let’s take a look some things to do when ‘Configure HA’ bunks up. Do you meet the requirements? There are a few things that you need in order to make sure all the bits of HA work. There
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Log Bundles, of the Virtual Center Variety

Things break. They always do. Chaos is inevitable. So how do you get insight into some of the chaos that was occurring in your Virtual Center when disaster strikes? Turns out, the VI Client makes this quite easy. After you get your Virtual Center service running again, connect using the VI Client. Once connected… well
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Managing Your vCenter Events with PowerShell

While great, managing events with the the VI Client can be a pain. No search functionality, old events fall off the list, etc, etc. So what is an admin to do? A resourceful admin will have been playing with the VI Toolkit, and would have found the get-vievent cmdlet. Let’s take a look at how
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HALP! My Virtual Infrastructure Client Events Have Disappeared!

This is one of those settings that you only find when you need. Today, I needed it. While writing another post, I decided to go back and get the text of an error that I encountered. This can be done in the VIC by editing the client settings, and then “Lists” in order to grab
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Running Update 3? San Gone Funny?

VMware release KB 1008130 yesterday, describing just this: Symptoms include: VMware ESX or ESXi host might get disconnected form VirtualCenter. All paths to the LUNs are in standby state. esxcfg-rescan might take a long time to complete or never completes (hung). The KB goes on to say, that right now the only fix is a
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