Updates On Suse 11.1 and VMware Workstation

After spending an evening last week or so getting VMware Workstation running on OpenSuse 11.1, I found myself in a situation due to hardware failure, that I had to re-install… again. This time I needed the process for getting Workstation running again looked more like: 1. Ensure haldaemon is running 2. Install kernel-default, kernel-source, gcc,
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We Need Your Help – Guest Posts Needed for the week of April 20 – 24

ProfessionalVMware will be going on a bit of a vacation for the week of April 20-24. Rather than leaving you in the cold however, I figured that this would be a great chance to display some of the best work the community has to offer. That said we’re now accepting guests posts for the week
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Is Your NMI Stuck? – More On The NMI Stuck Issue

Is your NMI stuck? Well you better catch it! Hey! I’m allowed to make bad jokes. After all, that is why you keep coming back, no? So to follow up some on our prior NMI issues. It seems that unlike what was stated before, this isn’t specific to resource constraints, x64, or vSMP. In fact,
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