#vBrownBag Follow-Up Networking for VMware Administrators with Chris Wahl (@chriswahl)

Chris Wahl joins the #vBrownBag to cover several chapters from his new book including the differences between physical and virtual networking, the differences between VMware vSphere standard and distributed switches and some design considerations around the use of each. Video You can find Chris on Twitter @chriswahl, his blog http://www.wahlnetwork.com and his new book –
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#vBrownBag VCP-DCV Series starting June 3rd

Starting on 6/3 we will be running a VCP-DCV series on the EMEA #vBrownBag.  If you are already registered for the EMEA show, these will run on the normal schedule and be posted along with all our other shows to the site and iTunes.  You can find more details about the series here (https://vbrownbag.comm/vbrownbag-vmware-certified-professional-data-center-virtualization-vcp-dcv-track/).  

#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCAP-DTD with Brian Suhr (@bsuhr)

Brian Suhr joins the professionalvmware.com #vBrownBag to review sections 1 and 2 of the the VMware Certified Advanced Professional in Desktop Design blueprint. Recording Slides https://app.box.com/s/uyjvmp20rm6srv5mzngb You can find Brian on Twitter @bsuhr and his blog athttp://www.virtualizetips.com/ andhttp://www.datacenterzombie.com/. You can request a copy of the blueprint in the VMware MyLearn portal. Sign up for the live
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up Home Lab builds with Mark Gabryjelski (@markgabbs)

Mark Gabryjelski dropped in on the #vBrownBag to give some tips and tricks on building a home lab capable of running nested ESXi servers. You can find additional videos from Mark about this build at http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLQ3sn5-bIVgJ69HsGPm9-58E4hzjxtq2&app=desktop Video You can sign up for the live ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ and follow some of our ongoing
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#vBrownbag Follow-Up Nick Marshall (@nickmarshall9) covering VSAN

Nick Marshall, author of Mastering vSphere 5.5, reviews the requirements, installation and configuring of VMware’s new VSAN offering which was announced at VMworld along with vSphere 5.5. 2013-09-04 Professionalvmware.com #vBrownBag VMware VSAN with Nick Marshall (@nickmarshall9) from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo.

2013-06-27 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM, #VCAP DCA obj.6.3 Troubleshoot redes @elnemesisdivina

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. el 27 de junio, 2013 en ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM se presentó el obj.6.3 Troubleshoot Networking Performance & Connectivity por Raymundo Escobar @elnemesisdivina   Recursos y respuestas a algunas preguntas del público durante la sesión:   Updated VMware ESXi  – reference poster
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#vBrownBag Follow-up VMware vCloud Automation Center with Jon Harris (@Jon HarrisNM)

In this episode of the ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag, Jon Harris covers the requirements for installing VMware  vCloud Automation Center (vCAC) and also walks through a live installation ending with access to the vCAC management console. #vBrownBag Follow-up VMware vCloud Automation Center with Jon Harris (@Jon HarrisNM) from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. You can find this and other
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#vBrownBag Follow-up Home Lab Builds with Phillip Jaenke (@rootwyrm)

Phillip Jaenke (@rootwyrm) reviews considerations for building your own own home lab and VMware ESXi servers.  Don’t forget to check the HCL! DIY VMware Hardware and Labs Phillip Jaenke (@rootwyrm) ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag US from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo.

Some ESXi CLI Commands

Having not used the ESXi command line as often as I should, I logged in and found myself in an unfamiliar place. My objective was to enter maintenance mode, reboot the host, and exit maintenance mode. ESXi CLI Enter Maintenance Mode vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter ESXi CLI Exit Maintenance Mode vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_exit ESXi CLI Reboot the host
-> Continue reading Some ESXi CLI Commands

Running Rackspace Private Cloud on ESXi

First Post! Now, with that out of my system, I’ve found that running the just published OpenStack Private Cloud on bare metal to be a bit out of reach for my homelab. That said, I did find that it runs exceedingly well as a nested hypervisor on ESXi (use the tools I’ve got) and all.
-> Continue reading Running Rackspace Private Cloud on ESXi

AutoLab 1.0 released

Hi everyone, it’s Alastair again with more AutoLab news.  Today we have released version 1.0 of the AutoLab which is a huge leap.  As you may have seen on my Demitasse blog the AutoLab has a sponsor, Veeam are helping make the AutoLab better.  In AutoLab 1.0 we not only have the complete vSphere lab in a box but now also the ability to add Veeam Backup and Replication and Veeam ONE into the lab. This allows evaluation testing and training on these products without deploying onto your production vSphere.


AutoLab automation uncovered, PowerShell

It’s Alastair here with the latest AutoLab automation post, this one is a little about the PowerShell automation that helps bring the pieces together. The first AutoLab automation post is here, the second here and the third here.

One of my favourite automation tools for vSphere is the PowerCLI snapin to Microsoft PowerShell. If you are a Windows guy working in Virtualization then you should get to know PowerCLI.  I consider myself a real beginner with PowerCLI, I use it when I have a task to repeat but it’s not where I work all day.  There are some awesome scripters who are more comfortable on a command prompt than with a GUI, these are the guys whose scripts I have hacked to make my script and you can start by doing the same.  If you are a skilled scripter you may despair at my scripts, feel free to email me to recommend better ways.


AutoLab automation uncovered, ESXi builds

Hi, it’s Alastair again, this is the third post uncovering the automation that is in the AutoLab. If you don’t know what the AutoLab is then head to my AutoLab announcement post. If you missed the first article on AutoLab automation then you can head there now, then read the second post before returning here.

A rather important part of the AutoLab are the ESXi servers.  The server basic builds are automated using a PXE server and the Weasel installer that has been part of ESXi since 4.1. Weasel doesn’t require PXE, it is perfectly happy with CDROM or USB boot, the AutoLab uses PXE to allow central management which makes scaling easier. PXE requires two services, a DHCP service and a TFTP service. In the AutoLab both are provided by the DC VM, the DHCP service is the standard Windows DHCP and the TFTP service is the Jounin TFTP server. 


AutoLab automation uncovered, Windows builds

Hi, it’s Alastair again, this is the second post uncovering the automation that is in the AutoLab, if you don’t know what the AutoLab is then head to my AutoLab announcement post. If you missed the first article on AutoLab automation then you can head there now, before returning here.

This article is all about how the windows servers in the AutoLab are built, there were a lot of Yaks to Shave before you can install the VMware goodness.


APAC vBrownBag returning in July

The APAC series of BrownBags will return at the start of July.  This series will focus on the What’s New of VCAP5-DCA as well as looking at a few other VMware products in real world use.  The schedule ahead is maintained on my blog and you can signup for the new series here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/885241632 Get
-> Continue reading APAC vBrownBag returning in July

AutoLab Automation outline

This is another post from Alastair. Just a reminder that Cody is no longer alone in posting on ProfessionalVMware.com. Earlier this month the AutoLab was announced right here on ProfessionalVMware and released on LabGuides.com. We’ve had a huge number of downloads and a great response.  For those who missed it the AutoLab is a package
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vSphere AutoLab first Bug report

As expected when the AutoLab was released people wanted to use it, then found issues.  This is why I put version 0.5 on it! Erik Bussink has found that the Windows 2008R2 build automation for the Domain Controller and Virtual Center VMs is currently only compatible with the RTM release, it fails with the SP1
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vSphere 5 AutoLab

It’s Alastair here, today I am very pleased to release the vSphere 5 AutoLab, a free tool for the VMware community. What is the AutoLab? The AutoLab is a quick easy way to build a vSphere environment for testing and learning using a single desktop or laptop PC and VMware Workstation, Fusion or ESXi. The
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[Orchestrator] Configure Host Time Settings

In looking around vCO, at least in the default plug-in, there was not a good variety of workflows for configuring hosts. This workflow, will set the NTP server on a host. Schema Not a very creative schema, and for good reason. Also note, it is designed to work on a single host at a time.
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