#vBrownBag Follow-up Home Lab Builds with Phillip Jaenke (@rootwyrm)

Phillip Jaenke (@rootwyrm) reviews considerations for building your own own home lab and VMware ESXi servers.  Don’t forget to check the HCL! DIY VMware Hardware and Labs Phillip Jaenke (@rootwyrm) ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag US from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo.

Stop Using VMware Server! (For Your Workstation Workloads)

I mean it. Really. One of my pet peeves is the fellow who installs VMware server on his workstation to run his work provided Windows XP image (or some variant of Linux). The logic behind this usually goes something like: “I needed to be able to create virtual machines and VMware Server is the only
-> Continue reading Stop Using VMware Server! (For Your Workstation Workloads)