BrownBag Follow-Up: vSphere Design with Harley Stagner

In our last BrownBag Damian Karlson hosted Harley Stagner (Blog) and talked about vSphere Design: Video ProfessionalVMware Technical BrownBag – Harley Stagner from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Slides vSphere Design Brownbag with Harley Stagner View more presentations from ProfessionalVMware

BrownBag Follow-Up: vSA and SMB vSphere Design

This week our illustrious host Damian was joined by Sean Crookston, Chris Wahl, and Bill Hill who Deep-Dived into designing vSphere environments as well as the vSphere Storage Appliance. BrownBag Follow-Up Slides ProfessionalVMware BrownBag – SMB Design View more presentations from ProfessionalVMware. Video ProfessionalVMware Technical BrownBag – VSA and SMB vSphere Design from ProfessionalVMware on
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BrownBag Follow-Up – Scott Lowe Edition

The Video ProfessionalVMware Technical BrownBags – Scott Lowe from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Scott’s Take Away: Know the products you are working with. Then, know them some more. …Really, know them frontwards and backwards Also, know how they interact with other technologies Links: Scott’s Blog – Jason’s Blog – Buy the “vShpere Design” book
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BrownBag 12/08/2010 – VMware Certifications w/ Jon Hall

Instead of our usual faire of flash cards and demos, I’m going to mix it up this week by bringing in a special guest: Jon Hall of VMware Education. We’ve had Jon on a few times in the past, to talk about the certification process, the VCAP program, and the VCDX program. As we’re at
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VCAP-DCA BrownBag Follow-Up (Section 3, pt 1)

Thanks all who stuck around even after our late start. We still managed to have a productive call, both with the flash cards during the call, as well as the long fireside chat with Jason Boche afterwards. Thanks again Jason! Also thanks to everyone else who hung out on the call. Now onto the meat
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VCP/VCDX Brown Bag Scheduling Changes

Due to a change in Jon Hall’s schedule, the VCP Brown Bag for May 18th has been canceled and moved to the 25th. This also means that I had to push the VCDX Brown Bag on the 25th out to June 1st. Those of you registered should have received notifications, those of you not registered
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VCDX Brown Bag #6 Follow-up

We had a good time this call. You’ll be able to tell from the recording though that we are still very much armatures playing in this space. Outside a minor emergency and Tom having some audio difficulty, we had a great discussion around rapid provisioning ESX servers. Video: VCDX Brown Bag #8 – Rapid Provisioning
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VCDX Brown Bag #6 – Rapid Provisioning

This week we’ll be talking ESX Rapid provisioning, specifically objective 8 from the Enterprise Admin Blueprint. We’ll then take the discussion and build kickstart script, finishing with a scripted ESX install. Sound like fun? You know it will be. Here are the critical details: Date/Time: May 11, 2010 @ 2P CST Registration*: * Note:
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VCDX Brown Bag #5 – Follow-up

Firstly, the video! In the spirit of the changes this webinar announced, we’ll also try some changes with the video. First embedded: ProfessionalVMware VCDX Brown Bag #5 from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. And then, a link where you can download the high quality .mov file. Yes, yes… I can re-encode again to m4v if there is
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VCDX Brown Bag #5 – Open Topic

Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends… This week’s VCDX Brown Bag will be an open topic discussion of all things VCDX. If we luck out, we’ve got VCDX #16 (Least I think that’s his number) Russell Pope. Call details: Date/Time: April 27, 2010 @ 2PM CST Registration: Changes: Based on
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VCDX Brown Bag #4 – DRS Clusters and Performance Monitoring

This is a story, all about how, my cluster got flipped and turned upside down. Now I’d like to take a minute, to invite you to the next VCDX Brown Bag, where we’ll cover DRS Clusters & Performance Monitoring, and have a bit of fun while we’re at it. The critical details: Date/Time: Tuesday, April
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VCDX Brown Bag #3 – Open Topic

Being that I’ll be going under the knife to have my elbow fixed, I don’t have anything specific set up for tomorrow. Bring your questions, experiences, and lunch for this weeks VCDX discussion led by Tom Howarth of PlanetVM, and Rob Markovic an independent virtualization consultant (contact). Details: Time: 2:00 PM CST Date: March 30,
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VCDX Brown Bag #2 – Storage!

Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends… we’re so glad you could attend, step inside, step inside. It’s time again for the next VCDX Brown Bag. This one will focus around the storage requirement of the VMware Enterprise Admin exam. To prep, please pull down and review the Enterprise Admin Blueprint from
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ESX 3.5 Virtual Switches From the CLI (esxcfg-vswitch) – VCDX Prep

Moving along with our series of esxcfg & VCDX related series of posts, we come to esxcfg-vswitch. The example we’ll work with here has us setting up a new virtual switch, adding an uplink NIC, adding a port group with VLAN 393, and changing the MTU. Ready? Here we go: Add the vSwitch: [root@ProfessionalVMware root]#
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What NICs Do I Have? – esxcfg-nics – VCDX Prep

As a plethora of my last posts suggest, I am spinning up study towards my VCDX. My first stop on that journey will be with the Enterprise Admin exam. Along the way I hope to share bits that I learn, review, and otherwise enjoy about the process. Today that is figuring out all manner of
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esxcfg-module – Managing Modules – VCDX Prep

Like the last several posts, this one hails from the storage section of the Enterprise Admin Blueprint. The Enterprise Admin exam is one of the several requirements to becoming a VCDX. As I go down this path, I hope to share with you some of my exam prep in the hope that it will help
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Manage VMFS File Systems Using the CLI – VCDX Prep

Seems this is becoming part of a series. Like the last few posts, this one was also produced from objective 1.1 of the VCDX Blueprint, and is part of my exam prep. Task: Manage VMFS file systems using command line tools. Solution: [root@ProfessionalVMware root]# vmkfstools No valid command specified OPTIONS FOR FILE SYSTEMS: vmkfstools -C
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Configure an NFS Datastore From the CLI – VCDX Prep

Like the last post, this one also hails from objective 1.1 of the VCDX Blueprint, and is part of my exam prep. Task: Configure an NFS Datastore using command line tools. Solution: [root@ProfessionalVMware root]# esxcfg-nas esxcfg-nas <options> [<label>] -a|–add                Add a new NASc filesystem to /vmfs volumes.                          Requires –host and –share options.                         Use
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