VCDX Brown Bag #5 – Open Topic

Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends… This week’s VCDX Brown Bag will be an open topic discussion of all things VCDX. If we luck out, we’ve got VCDX #16 (Least I think that’s his number) Russell Pope.

Call details:

Date/Time: April 27, 2010 @ 2PM CST


Based on the feed back from the last few of these, we decided to make a few small changes. Not too many, and with luck they’ll help more of you join up.

  • International Dial-In numbers – With luck there is now a number available near you to join the call.
  • Sign up once for the series – So you don’t have to keep registering sign up for this or any other in the series and you will be notified for all of them. The current series is set to run till May 25th.

About Russell:

Russell brings 15 years of computing experience to his Consultant role at 4Base Technology with a focus on platform virtualization. As a member of 4Base’s Virtualization Practice, Russell is able to leverage his strong experience in all three pillars of server virtualization architecture; systems, networking and storage.

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