ProfessionalVMware Welcomes Train Signal

If you are reading this in an RSS reader, I strongly encourage you to click through to give them some love. When starting Professional VMware, I never imagined that we’d have/need a sponsor. However, something we are doing must be right, as Train Signal has signed on to help us out with our ongoing “Brown
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ESX 3.5 Virtual Switches From the CLI (esxcfg-vswitch) – VCDX Prep

Moving along with our series of esxcfg & VCDX related series of posts, we come to esxcfg-vswitch. The example we’ll work with here has us setting up a new virtual switch, adding an uplink NIC, adding a port group with VLAN 393, and changing the MTU. Ready? Here we go: Add the vSwitch: [root@ProfessionalVMware root]#
-> Continue reading ESX 3.5 Virtual Switches From the CLI (esxcfg-vswitch) – VCDX Prep