Welcome Solidfire, #vBrownBag supporters

We have another new sponsor for the TechTalks. Solidfire has a scale out solid state storage array with QoS. The QoS part is great where a single array is being shared by lots of different workloads like in service provider or large enterprise use. The TechTalks schedule is posted here, and there is still time
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCP6-DCV Exam Section 2 with Ariel Sanchez (@arielsanchezmor)

In part 1 of a 2 part series to discuss the blueprint for VCP6-DCV Section 2, Ariel Sanchez covers configuration of advanced policies and features for vSphere networking. VCP6-DCV Exam Section 2 – Networking Video You can find Ariel on Twitter @arielsanchezmor Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCP6-DCV Exam Section 1 with James Brown (@jbcompvm)

James Brown covers section of the VCP6-DCV exam on how to configure and administer vSphere Security. VCP6-DCV Exam Section 1 – Security Video You can find James on Twitter @jbcompvm and his blog http://jbcomp.com/ Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can also get updates and view our past series
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CloudPhysics supports TechTalks at VMworld US

It is three weeks today until I leave New Zealand for VMworld 2015, the excitement is building. Today I am delighted to announce that CloudPhysics has joined the sponsors for the TechTalks. Many of you will be familiar with Cloud Physics, they have a igb data analytics product to help you manage your vSphere environment.
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up Deploying OpenStack using Ansible (OSAD) with Walter Bentley (@djstayflypro)

Walter Bentley from Rackspace presents on how you can use Ansible to fully deploy OpenStack. Deploy OpenStack with Ansible Video You can find Walter on Twitter @djstayflypro, GitHub at wbentley15, and his blog hitchnyc.com Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can also get updates and view our past series
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Follow-Up Deploying OpenStack using Ansible (OSAD) with Walter Bentley (@djstayflypro)

#vBrownBag Google Cloud Platform – Kubernetes with Brian Dorsey (@briandorsey)

Brian Dorsey is back for this episode on Kubernetes. Brian discusses containers and how the need arose for Kubernetes. Kubernetes Video You can follow Brian on Twitter @briandorsey Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can also get updates and view our past series such as the Automate All The
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TechTalks at VMworld USA – Coho on board

The sponsors just keep coming back. We are delighted to have Coho Data stand up with us again to support the community. In case you haven’t heard of Coho, they have a nice scale-out storage solution that uses SDN to manage storage traffic. Their specialization is getting the most performance out of fast flash and
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2015-julio-23 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM, @jorgecabreraec VCP6-DCV 2V0-621 Objetivo 5

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El pasado 23 de julio @jorgecabreraec presentó el tema “VCP6-DCV 2V0-621 Objetivo 5” con demo de resource pools y DRS

#vBrownBag Follow-Up What’s New in the vSphere 6 Web Client w Peter Shepherd

Peter Shepherd from VMware stops by to discuss improvements in the vSphere 6 Web Client on the What’s new in vSphere 6 #vBrownBag series. vSphere 6 Web Client Video Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can also get updates and view our past series such
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCP6 Foundation Exam Section 7 with Dan Barr (@vDanBarr)

Dan Barr covers Monitoring for section 7 of the VMware Certified Professional 6 Foundation Exam. VCP6 Foundation Section 7 Video Objective 7.1 – Describe tasks, charts and events – List important metrics like esxtop counters for CPU, memory, disk, network, counters in web client monitoring, indentify common issues – Review monitor/logging options, syslog, snmp, log
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCP6 Foundation Exam Section 6 with Mike Wilson (@IT_Muscle)

Mike Wilson is back to discuss troubleshooting in vSphere 6. VCP6 Troubleshooting Video Objective 6.1 – General troubleshooting steps, log locations – Demo includes ESXi health monitor, export information Objective 6.2 – Review common storage, network, VM issues including resource contention, identifying when virtual machines do not have access to enough resources – Demo includes
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Unitrends supports #vBrownBag TechTalks at VMworld USA

It is a pleasure to welcome Unitrends as a sponsor of the TechTalks at VMworld USA this year. This is the first time that we’ve had Unitrends as a sponsor, however you may know that they acquired PHD Virtual a few years ago and that PHD Virtual had supported the TechTalks in the past. Unitrends
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TechTalks at VMworld 2015

In case you missed it, signups are open for TechTalks at VMworld 2015. These are 10 minute presentations by community members for the benefit of other communiuty members. Sign up using these links: VMworld US TechTalk signup to present in San Francisco VMworld EMEA TechTalk signup to present in Barcelona I am delighted to announce Cisco as
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCP6 Foundation Exam Section 5 (con’t 3) with Geoff Wilmington (@vWilmo)

Geoff Wilmington covers objective 5.6 as we continue with the #vBrownBag VCP6 Foundation Series. Section 5, Objective 5.6 Video Objective 5.6 – Describe patching requirements for ESXi hosts and VM hardware/tools – Describe host profiles, use cases – Demo includes create/export host profile, attach host profile, verify compliance – Demo includes configure VUM, patch repository,
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCP6 Foundation Exam Section 5 (con’t) with Geoff Wilmington (@vWilmo)

Geoff Wilmington covers objective 5.5 as we continue with the #vBrownBag VCP6 Foundation Series. Section 5, Objective 5.5 Video Objective 5.5 – Describe backup and recovery options – Snapshot requirements and best practices, how snapshots work, when not to use snapshots – How VDP works, requirements, sizing – How vSphere replication works, requirements, sizing –
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#vBrownBag Google Cloud Platform – Google Cloud Datastore with Sandeep Dinesh (@sandeepdinesh)

Sandeep Dinesh covers the use cases for NoSQL databases before diving into the features of Google Cloud Datastore and wraps up with a live Python and Datastore demo. Google Cloud Datastore Video You can find Sandeep on Twitter @sandeepdinseh and examples like the one used tonight on https://github.com/thesandlord/samples/tree/master/google-cloud-datastore/interactive-demo Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Google Cloud Platform – Google Cloud Datastore with Sandeep Dinesh (@sandeepdinesh)

#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCP6 Foundation Exam Section 5 with Jonathan Frappier (@jfrappier)

Jonathan Frappier, minus an epic self muting, covers section 5 of the VCP6 Foundation Exam which includes HA, DRS, and FT. VCP6 Foundation Exam Section 5 Video Objective 5.1 – Describe DRS, Storage DRS, VMCP, and HA, use cases, configuration options – Discuss DRS thresholds and HA Admission Control – Demo includes create cluster, enable
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