#VMworld #Opening Acts Recordings Now Available!

Missed Opening Acts? We got you covered! All the Opening Acts recordings now are available on YouTube. Career I imagine that we’ve all asked ourselves, “Where do I take my career from here? How do I prepare for the next step? What, exactly, do I want to do?” In this panel, we’ll discuss these topics
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up AWS Solutions Architect Associate Domain 1.0 Part 3 w Timothy Patterson (@awschamp)

Timothy Patterson, @awschamp on Twitter, delivers information to help you pass the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam. In this episode he covers: – Developing to client specifications, including pricing/cost — On-Demand vs Reserved vs Spot — RTO and RPO DR Design AWS SA Associate Domain 1.0 Part 3 Video Originally published by www.professionalvmware.com

Calling latin americans and africans to the vBB stage in VMworld us 2016!

Hello everyone and thank you for reading this post. Please help spread this link and don’t hesitate to contact us through twitter – @arielsanchezmor for Latin America and @GreggRobertson5 for Africa, and as always the @vBrownBag @vBrownBagLATAM and @vBrownBagEMEA handles. If you are attending VMworld and you are Latin or African, you very well know you
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2016-ago-11 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM – OpenStack VIO y NSX David Mirror @davidmirror

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El 11 de Agosto tuvimos a David Espero presentando el sexto episodio de nuestra serie en OpenStack. En su presentacion “VMware Integrated Openstack y su integracion con NSX” nos cuenta como VMware ha adaptado a NSX para proveer servicios de redes
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2016-ago-04 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM – OpenStack Neutron 1/2 con Francisco Araya @fjaraya

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El 04 de Agosto tuvimos a Francisco Araya presentando el quinto episodio de nuestra serie en OpenStack. En su presentacion “OpenStack Neutron, parte 1” se enfoca en un componente específico de OpenStack , Neutron, que provee los servicios de redes. El
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2016-jul-28 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM – OpenStack Glance con Alvaro Soto @alsotoes

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El 28 de Julio tuvimos a Alvaro Soto presentando el cuarto episodio de nuestra serie en OpenStack. En su presentacion “OpenStack Glance” nos enfocamos en el componente de OpenStack que administra las imagenes: Glance. De gran agradecimiento fue la inclusion de
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vBrownBag TechTalk schedule at VMworld USA

Two weeks and counting. The day is nearly upon us. This year there is a change, the Hang Space is now called the VMvillage. Everything else that you know and love about TechTalks will be back. Some of your favourite presenters with unvarnished truth about making IT work. Huge thanks to our sponsors: Datrium, Veeam, Ansible
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up AWS Solutions Architect Associate Domain 1.0 Part 2 w Tim Carr (@timmycarr)

Tim Carr from Ahead discuss the second part of Domain 1.0 for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification. Tim reviews: Architectural trade-off decisions — High Availability (HA) vs cost — RDS vs installing your own DB on EC2 AWS Solutions Architect Domain 1.0 Part 2 Video You can follow Tim on Twitter @timmycarr and find
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up VMware DRS Doctor with Brian Graf (@vbriangraf)

VMware’s own Brian Graf joins the #vBrownBag to discuss the new DRS Doctor fling. You can download DRS Doctor from https://labs.vmware.com/flings/drsdoctor VMware DRS Doctor Video Follow Brian on Twitter @vBrianGraf Originally published by www.professionalvmware.com

#vBrownBag Follow-Up AWS Solutions Architect Associate Domain 1.0 w Nick Colyer (@vnickc)

Nick Colyer, from Ahead, helps guide you through the first part of Domain 1.0 for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification. Nick covers designing highly available, cost efficient, fault tolerant,and scalable systems. AWS Solutions Architect Domain 1.0 Video You can follow Nick on Twitter @vnickc Originally published by www.professionalvmware.com

VCP6-DCV Study Guide

Cheers #vBrownBag Community! Shane (aka @coolsport00) here to provide a resource to help in your VCP6-DCV studies. Several folks have asked if I would provide my Study Guide to help in their studies. And, since there have been several changes to the VCP6-DCV Blueprint since some of the others that were created last year, I thought
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2016-jul-21 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM – OpenStack Horizon & Cinder con Guillermo Alvarado @galvarado89

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El 21 de Julio tuvimos a Guillermo Alvarado presentando el tercer episodio de nuestra serie en OpenStack. En su presentacion doble “OpenStack Horizon & Cinder” nos enfocamos en dos componentes específicos de OpenStack: Horizon, que maneja la interfaz del administrador y
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2016-jul-14 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM – OpenStack Nova con Francisco Araya @fjaraya

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El 14 de Julio tuvimos a Francisco Araya continuando con el segundo episodio de nuestra serie en OpenStack. En su presentacion “OpenStack Nova” nos enfocamos en un componente específico de OpenStack , Nova, que maneja el rol de computo. Al final
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up ContainerX Technical Demo w Pradeep Padala (@ppadala)

Pradeep Padala, CTO of ContainerX, joins the #vBrownBag to give a technical demo of the ContainerX solution to support enterprise container deployments. ContainerX Video You can follow Pradeep on Twitter @ppadala Originally published by www.professionalvmware.com

2016-jun-23 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag Prabhu Barathi @prabhu_b – Network Virtualization: what it is and what it isn’t

Prabhu Barathi, VMware NSX SE for the NYC area, presented in the 2016 NYC/NJ VMUG UserCon a session on “Network Virtualization – what it is and what it isn’t”. You can find him on twitter as @prabhu_b

2016-jun-23 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag – Julie Starr @jmarions – Policy Security Groups: the key to NSX Service Composer

In the 2016 NYC/NJ VMUG UserCon we had Julie Starr, VMware Security Strategist, who graciously agreed to present a session on “Policy’s Security Groups: the key to NSX’s Service Composer”. You can find her on twitter as @jmarions and read her blog posts in the VMware blogs page

2016-jul-07 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM – OpenStack 101 con Alvaro Soto @alsotoes

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El 07 de Julio tuvimos a Alvaro Soto iniciando una nueva serie: OpenStack. En su presentacion “OpenStack 101” nos explica la arquitectura de OpenStack y nos detalla los componentes mas importantes. Al final de la presentacion ayuda a la audiencia, en
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