Link Dump 5/19/12

It’s time for yet another round of ‘close ALL the tabs’. Made even better this time by some random mixup by which some apps open links in FireFox tabs, others in Chrome. Instead of fixing it, it makes for a nice organization system. – To code or not to code. Some decent arguments both
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[APAC] #vBrownBag Follow-Up – VCAP-DCD VM Design

Video Slides Links Windows 7 Optimization guide.  Think about applying these to your servers vSphere HA Application monitoring Remove non-present devices after P2V using script Kendrick Colemans’s VM Advanced ISO. Free Tools For Advanced Tasks

vCenter Server Fell Out of Linked Mode

In prepping for the vCO book, one of the things I tested out was Linked-Mode vCenters. Once I discovered the vCO plug-in would not support linked-mode vCenters in the way I was expecting, I deleted the VM that was hosting vCenter02… this lead to the following in my vSphere client: vCenter Server not connected What?
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Resource Pool Pie – The Warning

Was segregating out some of my home lab stuff from some of the nested things in the lab and came across this when dropping a VM into the vApp: Basically telling me that this single VM will eat all of the Resource Pool Pie. Not familiar with the resource pool pie? Check out this post
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Open Tabs 4/12/12

VLAN Trunking – Really Really good vSphere 5 memory management diagram – Make Bigger Clusters – Storage Performance T-Shooting – Demystify Hadoop! – CCNA Part 1 – CCNA Part 2 – Infiniband over Ethernet == Fast – Some really cool info on how Instagram handled LOTS of
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Installing VMware Update Manager Download Service

Before getting into installing, let’s take a second to talk about what the Update Manager Download Service (UMDS) is and when you’d use it. As the name implies, UMDS is a service that will go and fetch patch notifications, metadata, and binaries that is separate from your VUM install. When would that be useful? In
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vBrownBag Follow-Up – vSphere Storage w/ Ravi Part 2

We both started and finished vSphere Storage month with Ravi Venkat, and what a wonderfully informative month it was. This weeks recording & slides are below: Video Slides More! Did you know there are now a metric boatload of ways to get the vBrownBags? In addition to live and the follow-up posts, you can pull
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[VUM] Configure Update Manager to use a Service Account

There are a few situations you might want to do this, security and least privileged accounts comes to mind, as does auditability. However, you will also need to do this when your SQL server is using Windows Authentication. Otherwise you’ll run into: “There was an error connecting to VMware Update Manager… Database temporarily unavailable or
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Open Compute Platform & vSphere 5

So, outside of a few home drama items recently, there has been a new addition from the Open Compute Platform project, and that is a v 1.0 Intel platform. About Open Compute In April 2011, Facebook launched the Open Compute Project (Announcement) with a stated goal of making servers and datacenters more efficient. The 1.0
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