April #vBrownBags

With storage month behind us, April is now here, and with that, some more vBrownBags: Registration: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/613559281 Presenter Topic Date N/A Game Show 4/4/12 Jake Robinson PowerCLI 201 4/11/12 @Texiwill vSphere Security 4/18/12 Open vSphere Security 4/25/12 If you have anyone you recommend to fill the open slot… let me know.

Installing VMware Update Manager Download Service

Before getting into installing, let’s take a second to talk about what the Update Manager Download Service (UMDS) is and when you’d use it. As the name implies, UMDS is a service that will go and fetch patch notifications, metadata, and binaries that is separate from your VUM install. When would that be useful? In
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