#vBrownBag Follow-Up Cisco Nexus 1000v Virtual Switch with Josh Coen (@joshcoen)

Josh Coen reviews the installation and configuration of the Cisco Nexus 1000v virtual switch.  This is a third part virtual switch provided directly from Cisco to provide enhanced functionality compared to the VDS in vSphere. Video Slides You can find on Twitter @joshcoen and his blog http://www.valcolabs.com/ Sign up for the live ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag broadcast
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up Virtual Network Lab Setup with Byron Schaller (@byronschaller)

On this episode of the #vBrownBag, Byron Schaller shows you how to create a virtual lab to prepare for various Cisco certifications or even just to better understand network concepts. Video You can find Byron on Twitter @byronschaller, his blog http://vbyron.com/blog which includes some useful follow-up reading such as http://vbyron.com/blog/networking-virtual-cisco-juniper-routers-vsphere/ and http://vbyron.com/blog/brocade-vyatta-5400-virtual-router-vsphere/ Sign up for
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#vBrownbag EMEA VCDX Prep Special

The EMEA #vBrownbag will be running a one off (maybe more if this is popular) special webinar around VCDX Prep. This will include four presenters/panelists who have been going through preparing for the VCDX recently and will be covering some of the following: What we did to get to the point of submitting our designs.
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up Networking for VMware Administrators with Chris Wahl (@chriswahl)

Chris Wahl joins the #vBrownBag to cover several chapters from his new book including the differences between physical and virtual networking, the differences between VMware vSphere standard and distributed switches and some design considerations around the use of each. Video You can find Chris on Twitter @chriswahl, his blog http://www.wahlnetwork.com and his new book –
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up Cisco Learning Network Tour with Matt Saunders (@citylifematt) & Brett Lovins (@brettlovins)

Brett Lovins and Matt Saunders kick off the #vBrownBag Cisco Certification series with an overview and tour of the Cisco Learning Network – an online community to connect you with learning resources such blueprints, course details and support from others who are working on their Cisco Certifications. Video You can sign up for the Cisco
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Follow-Up Cisco Learning Network Tour with Matt Saunders (@citylifematt) & Brett Lovins (@brettlovins)

#vBrownBag EMEA Follow-Up with Frank Buechsel Covering VCAP-CID Objective 1- Create a vCloud Conceptual Design.

On the 6th of May 2014 Frank Buechsel  covered VCAP-CID Objective 1- Create a vCloud Conceptual Design.The recording from the webinar is below and the slides can be downloaded from here: Sign up for the live ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ and follow some of our past series such as the Automate All The Things
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#vBrownBag EMEA VMware Auto Deploy with Mike Marseglia (@mmars)

Mike Marseglia stops by the EMEA #vBrownBag to talk about VMware Auto Deploy. Video You can find Mike on Twitter @mmars and his blog http://blog.mmars.org/ Sign up for the live ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can get updates on our upcoming Cisco certification track series as well as follow some of our past
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#vBrownBag VMware vCloud Hybrid Service Disaster Recovery with Chris Colotti (@ccolotti)

Chris Colotti stops by to introduce VMware’s vCloud Hybrid Service Disaster Recovery solution and presents an overview of the architecture, setup and configuration demo and considerations for using vCHS DR. Video You can find Chris on Twitter @ccolotti and his blog http://www.chriscolotti.us/ as well as some recent posts on his blog about vCHS DR http://www.chriscolotti.us/vmware/5-things-to-know-about-vcloud-hybrid-service-disaster-recovery/
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag VMware vCloud Hybrid Service Disaster Recovery with Chris Colotti (@ccolotti)

#vBrownBag VMware Desktop as a Service with Kris Boyd (@virtualboyd)

Kristopher Boyd stops by to introduce VMware’s new Desktop as a Service (DaaS) offering to enable organizations to provide VDI solutions as a completely hosted solution. Video You can find Kris on Twitter @VirtualBoyd Sign up for the live ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can get updates on our upcoming Cisco certification track
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#vBrownBag EMEA Follow-Up The vFLOWer Toolkit with Kaido Kibin

The vFLOWer Toolkit, created by ByteLife Solutions, converts vCO packages into versionable source code (XML) and vice versa. In this form, it is more practical to manage and control the development and dissemination of vCO workflows and actions between different teams of developers using popular source control solutions such as GitHub. In this presentation, Kaido
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up VMware vSphere Auto Deploy Deep Dive with Rob Nelson (@rnelson0)

Rob Nelson does a deep dive into VMware vSphere Auto Deploy which facilitates the rapid deployment and provisioning of vSphere host. Rob covers the requirements including DHCP configuration options and PowerCLI image builder steps. Video Video You can find Rob on Twitter @rnelson0 and his blog http://rnelson0.com/ Sign up for the live ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag broadcast
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#vBrownBag EMEA Follow-Up VMware Horizon View Failover (DR) using vCO with Kaido Kibin

Kaido Kibin shows you how to use VMware vCenter Orchestrator for DR failover of your Horizon View infrastructure on the EMEA professionalvmware.com #vBrownBag. Video Sign up for the live ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ and follow some of our past series such as the Automate All The Things series at https://vbrownbag.comm/vbrownbag-automate-all-the-things-training-schedule/ or the Couch to
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag EMEA Follow-Up VMware Horizon View Failover (DR) using vCO with Kaido Kibin

#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCAP-DTD with Thomas Brown (@thombrown)

Thomas Brown joins the professionalvmware.com #vBrownBag to wrap up the VCAP-DTD mini-series, reviewing sections 5 and 6 of the the VMware Certified Advanced Professional in Desktop Design blueprint. Video You can find Thomas on Twitter @thombrown and his blog at http://www.thomas-brown.com/. You can request a copy of the blueprint in the VMware MyLearn portal. Sign
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCAP-DTD with Brian Suhr (@bsuhr)

Brian Suhr joins the professionalvmware.com #vBrownBag to review sections 1 and 2 of the the VMware Certified Advanced Professional in Desktop Design blueprint. Recording Slides https://app.box.com/s/uyjvmp20rm6srv5mzngb You can find Brian on Twitter @bsuhr and his blog athttp://www.virtualizetips.com/ andhttp://www.datacenterzombie.com/. You can request a copy of the blueprint in the VMware MyLearn portal. Sign up for the live
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Thank You!

Dear Virtualization Community, It is my profound pleasure to write this letter to you as tremendous thank you for your continued support. This week Eric Siebert of vSphere-Land.com revealed the results of his annual Top Blog vote. A subcategory of this vote is the top virtualization podcast. The vBrownBag crew, myself included, are extremely humbled
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up VCAP-DTD with Adam Eckerle (@eck79)

In the first of 3 shows dedicated to the VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Desktop Design, Adam Eckerle reviews design considerations for pods and blocks, support infrastructure such as Active Directory, DNS and DHCP and also ThinApp. Video Slides You can find Adam on Twitter @eck79 and his blog at http://ecktech.me/ and request a copy of
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Buy One Get One Free Virtualization Books!

Hey, you guyyyys! 🙂 As you may be aware, a number of friends of the #vBrownBag podcast and friends within the overall virtualization community have written books for Packt Publishing. I recently found out that they’re celebrating their 2,000th title by offering a Buy One Get One Free deal. This is a limited time offer
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up Automate ALL the Things Advanced vCO with Joerg Lew (@joerglew)

On the latest #vBrownBag Automate ALL the Things session, Joerg Lew gives a deep dive demo on some advanced features of VMware vCenter Orchestrator. Video You can find Joerg on Twitter @joerglew and his blog at http://www.vcoportal.de/ Sign up for the live ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ and follow some of our ongoing series such
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#vBrownBag Follow-Up Automate All the Things PowerCLI Futures with Alan Renouf (@alanrenouf)

Alan Renouf from VMware demos new features of PowerCLI including a live demo for the Automate All The Things Series. Video You can find Alan on Twitter @alanrenouf and his blog at http://www.virtu-al.net/ Sign up for the live ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ and follow some of our ongoing series such as the Automate All
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Follow-Up Automate All the Things PowerCLI Futures with Alan Renouf (@alanrenouf)