2015-marzo-12 #vBrownBag LATAM, @elnemesisdivina VCP-NV Objetivo 5 #NSX

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El pasado 12 de marzo @elnemesisdivina presentó el tema #VMware VCP-NV Objetivo 5 #NSX

#vBrownBag DevOps Follow-Up Continuous Integration for Networking with Matt Oswalt (@Mierdin)

Matt Oswalt explains how Continuous Integration can be used beyond traditional development purposes, to support changes in configurations for network equipment leveraging tools like Ansible. Continuous Integration for Networking Video You can find Matt on Twitter @Mierdin and his blog http://keepingitclassless.net. Examples and presentation materials from this episode can be found on GitHub at https://github.com/Mierdin/ci-networks
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2015-marzo-5 #vBrownBag LATAM #VMware Network Virtualization #NSX– @wmichel

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El pasado 5 de marzo 2015 en ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM se presentó el tema: VMware Network Virtualization – @wmichel Esta presentación es una continuación de la serie #vBrownBag, en Español sobre la certificación VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization (VCP-NV) Blueprint v 1.2 Detalles:
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#vBrownBag Follow Up – The Art of IT Infrastructure Design

On the 3rd of March 2015 , the EMEA #vBrownbag welcomed the authors of the soon to be released “The Art of IT infrastructure Design” book, John Arrasjid @vcdx001 Mark Gabryjelski @MarkGabbs & Chris McCain @hcmccain onto the podcast to discuss their new book and talk about IT architecture in general.The session was hosted by
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#vBrownBag DevOps Follow-Up ELK with Larry Smith (@mrlesmithjr)

Larry Smith shows you how to leverage elastisearch, logstash, and kibana to create a robust syslog solution. ELK Video You can find Larry on Twitter @mrlesmithjr and his blog http://everythingshouldbevirtual.com/ Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can also get updates and view our past series
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2015-feb-26 #vBrownBag LATAM #VMware Network Virtualization #NSX– @ercruzv Randall Cruz

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El pasado 26 de febrero 2015 en ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM se presentó el tema: VMware Network Virtualization – @ercruzv Randall Cruz Esta presentación es una continuación de la serie #vBrownBag, en Español, LATAM, podcast, professionalvmware.com, recording, Spanish, vbrownbaglatam2015feb19, Virtualization, VMware Originally
-> Continue reading 2015-feb-26 #vBrownBag LATAM #VMware Network Virtualization #NSX– @ercruzv Randall Cruz

#vBrownBag DevOps Follow-Up Provision VM’s in vCenter using Ansible w Jonathan Frappier (@jfrappier)

#vBrownBag crew member Jonathan Frappier demos using Ansible to provision virtual machines to vCenter. Ansible supports creating, cloning, and reconfiguring virtual machines in vCenter. Example playbooks can be found at www.virtxpert.com & github. Note that this demo was done with Ansible 1.9 prior to its official release. Ansible & vCenter Video You can follow Jonathan on
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2015-ene-15 #vBrownBag LATAM VMware Network Virtualization– @ercruzv Randall Cruz

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El pasado 15 de enero 2015 en ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM se presentó el tema: VMware Network Virtualization – @ercruzv Randall Cruz #vBrownBag, en Español, LATAM, podcast, professionalvmware.com, recording, Spanish, vbrownbaglatam2015feb26, Virtualization, VMware Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the
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#vBrownBag vRealize Automation Custom Properties with Brian Ragazzi (@brianragazzi)

Brian Ragazzi talks how you can use custom properties in VMware vRealize Automation vRealize Automation Custom Properties Video You can follow Brian on Twitter @brianragazzi and his blog http://brianragazzi.com/ where he blogs about vRealize Automation, vRealize Orchestrator, and many other VMware related topics. Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you
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#vBrownBag Sharing and Managing vCO Workflows using FlowGrab with Kaido Kibin

vRealize Orchestrator is one of the best kept secrets in VMware. It is the orchestration solution playing a central role in the vRealize and vCloud product family. Although it is very powerful, it is relatively unknown among the virtualization community. FlowGrab is a repository and collaboration tool for vRealize Orchestrator. During this session Kaido Kibin
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2015-feb-12 #vBrownBag(LATAM) VCAN610-NV VMware Network Virtualization Objectivo 1 – @elnemesisdivina

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El pasado 12 de febrero 2015 en ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM se presentó el tema: VMware Certified Associate in Network Virtualization VCAN610-NV Objectivo 1 – @elnemesisdivina Raymundo Escobar

#vBrownBag vSphere 6 Introduction to VVOLs with Howard Marks (@DeepStorageNet)

Howard Marks joins the #vBrownBag podcast on the heals of the vSphere 6 announcement to talk about a new feature in vSphere 6 – Virtual Volumes or VVOLs. VVOLs Video #vBrownBag vSphere 6 Introduction to VVOLs with Howard Marks (@DeepStorageNet) from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. VVOLs Slides You can follow Howard on Twitter @DeepStorageNet and his
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#vBrownBag DevOps Follow-Up Docker and Friends with Scott Lowe (@scott_lowe)

Scott Lowe follows up on the Introduction to Docker by James Turnbull (@kartar http://bit.ly/vbbKartar) and shows how to use Docker on CoreOS, Docker with Heat used in OpenStack based cloud providers and wraps up using Docker on CoreOS with fleet. Docker Video You can follow Scott on Twitter @scott_lowe, and his blog http://blog.scottlowe.org/ where he
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#vBrownBag VCDX Q&A Panel Follow-Up

On the 10th of January 2015 , the EMEA #vBrownbag started the VCDX series with a VCDX Q&A panel. We were joined by Chris Colotti, Karl Childs, Rene van den Bedem and Rob Nolen on the panel and had a great discussion which ran over the hour and could have gone on for another hour.
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#vBrownBag DevOps Follow-Up Introduction to Docker with James Turnbull (@kartar)

James Turnbull, author of The Docker Book, joins the #vBrownBag DevOps series to provide an introduction to Docker. Docker Video You can follow James on Twitter @kartar and his blog kartar.net Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can also get updates and view our past
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#vBrownBag DevOps Follow-Up Setting up network services using Puppet with Rob Nelson (@rnelson0)

Rob Nelson joins the #vBrownBag DevOps series to talk about his PuppetInABox project, a curated collection of forge modules and user repositories. This solution includes everything required to provide puppet, puppetdb, r10k, dns, dhcp, a yum repository, and a build server. The only thing you need to provide is a gateway device and you have
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#vBrownBag VCP-NV Follow-Up Objective 6 with Paul McSharry (@pmcsharry)

Paul McSharry joins the #vBrownBag EMEA crew to cover Objective 6 in the VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization (VCP-NV) exam. Exam objectives include: Objective 6.1 – Configure and Manage Logical Load Balancing Objective 6.2 – Configure and Manage Logical Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Objective 6.3 – Configure and Manage DHCP/DNS/NAT Objective 6.4 – Configure
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#vBrownBag VCP-NV Follow-Up Objective 5 with Todd Simmons (@trainingrev)

Todd Simmons, VCDX 184, joins the #vBrownBag podcast to cover objective 5 of the VCP-NV exam blueprint. Objectives include: Objective 5.1 – Create and Administer Logical Switches Objective 5.2 – Configure VXLAN Objective 5.3 – Configure and Manage Layer 2 Bridging Objective 5.4 – Configure and Manage Logical Routers VCP-NV Objective 4 Video You can
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#vBrownBag DevOps Follow-Up Continuous Integration using Jenkins with Mike Marseglia (@mmars)

Mike Marseglia hops on the #vBrownBag DevOps series to kick start your continuous integration journey with an overview and demo of Jenkins. Continuous Integration with Jenkins Video You can find Mike on Twitter @mmars Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can also get updates and
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#vBrownBag VCP-NV Follow-Up Objective 7 with Manfred Hofer (@Fred_vBrain)

Manfred covers objective 7 of the VMware VCP-NV exam. Objectives include: Configure and Administer Logical Firewall Services Configure Distributed Firewall Services Configure and Manage Service Composer VCP-NV Objective 7 Video You cna follow Manfred on twitter @Fred_vBrain Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can also
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag VCP-NV Follow-Up Objective 7 with Manfred Hofer (@Fred_vBrain)