#vBrownbag Follow-Up Frank Buechsel Covering VCAP-CID Objective 2 -Create a vCloud Logical Design

On the 28th of January 2014 Frank Buechsel  covered VCAP-CID Objective 2 -Create a vCloud Logical Design.The recording from the webinar is below: EMEA vBrownbag with Frank Buechsel Covering VCAP-CID Objective 2 -Create a vCloud Logical Design from EMEA vBrownbag on Vimeo.

Upcoming #vBrownBag VMware VCAP Administration Boot Camp 1/29 with @vcdx001 & more

Join John Arrasjid, Mostafa Khalil, Linus Bourque, Jon Hall and Mark Brunstad on Wednesday January 29th at 8:30PM EST / 7:30PM CST for a VMware VCAP Administration boot camp.  The bootcamp will cover considerations, challenges and blueprints for all 3 VCAP Administration exams (Data Center, Cloud, Desktop). If you are not already registered, go to https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/
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#vBrownBag Follow Up – VCAP Design Bootcamp Part 2 with John Arrasjid, Linus Bourque and Jon Hall

In part 2 of the VCAP Design Boot Camp, John Arrasjid, Linus Bourque and Jon Hall review the various types of questions you will see on the VCAP Design exams as well as reviews examples of each type of question. Video #vBrownBag VCAP Design Boot Camp Part 2 with John Arrasjid (@vcdx001), Linux Bourque (@linusbourque)
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#vBrownBag Follow Up – VCAP Design Bootcamp with John Arrasjid, Mostafa Khalil and Linus Bourque

In part one of a two-part VCAP Design Boot Camp, John Arrasjid, Mostafa Khalil, Linus Bourque and JonHall reviewed the blueprints for the VCAP-DCD, VCAP-CID and VCAP-DTD exams.  On Tuesday November 19th, they will dive back in and review test examples to help you prepare for the exam. Video #vBrownBag VCAP Design Boot Camp with
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#vBrownBag Follow-up My Journey to becoming a VCDX with Brian Suhr (@bsuhr)

Brian Suhr talks about some the requirements, and lessons learned as he works towards his VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX) Certification and wraps up with a Q&A. #vBrownBag Follow-up VCDX Journey with Brian Suhr (@bsuhr) from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo.

2013-7-18 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM #VCAP DCA5 obj4.2 Deploy & Test VMware Fault Tolerance por Walter Solano Sanchez

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. 2013-7-18 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM #VCAP DCA5 obj4.2 Deploy & Test VMware Fault Tolerance por Walter Solano Sanchez Mencionado hoy en #vBrownbag: ¿Qué es VMware Fault Tolerance? http://t.co/ORYjFf4GAl VMware Fault Tolerance FAQ http://t.co/bIVJDzGtn5 Processors and guest operating systems that support VMware Fault Tolerance
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2013-07-11 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBagLATAM #VCAP DCA5 obj4.1 Implement & Maintain HA

2013-07-11 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM VCAPDCA5 obj4.1 Implement & Maintain HA por Walter Solano Sanchez 2013-mar-28 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM – HA alta disponibilidad c/ @elnemesisdivina http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8ibpi_LsTo (tip: se puede ampliar a pantalla completa y cambiar la calidad de reprodución a HD 720p). vBrownBag en castellano es una expansión de la plataforma ProfessionalVMware.com para el crecimiento profesional
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2013-06-20 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM #VCAP DCA guía de estudio y otros recursos

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El 20 de junio 2013 en ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM se presentó el tema VCAP DCA guía de estudio y otros recursos VMware VCAP Certification Exam Prep by Andy Cary details how to prepare including exam format & resources http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4RIJf-stO0 RECURSOS MENCIONADOS:
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2013-06-13 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM #VCAP DCA 6.2 – Troubleshoot Memory Performance @elnemesisdivina

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El pasado 13 de junio 2013 en ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM @elnemesisdivina presentó el tema #VCAP DCA 6.2 – Troubleshoot Memory Performance Recursos y respuestas a algunas preguntas del público durante la sesión: A: Understanding Memory Resource Management in vSphere 5 http://blogs.vmware.com/performance/2011/09/understanding-memory-resource-management-in-vsphere-5.html
-> Continue reading 2013-06-13 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM #VCAP DCA 6.2 – Troubleshoot Memory Performance @elnemesisdivina

#vBrownbag Follow-Up Andrea Mauro Covering VCAP5-CIA Objective 1 – Configure and Maintain vCloud Director

On the 11th of June 2013 Andrea Mauro covered VCAP5-CIA Objective 1 – Configure and Maintain vCloud Director on the EMEA vBrownbag. The slides from the session can be found here and the video from the session is below: EMEA vBrownbag with Andrea Mauro covering VCAP5-CIA Objective 1 – Configure and Maintain vCloud Director from
-> Continue reading #vBrownbag Follow-Up Andrea Mauro Covering VCAP5-CIA Objective 1 – Configure and Maintain vCloud Director

2013-06-06 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM #VCAP DCA 6.2 – Troubleshoot CPU Performance @elnemesisdivina

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El pasado 6 de junio 2013 en ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM @elnemesisdivina presentó el tema #VCAP DCA6.2 Troubleshoot CPU & Memory Performance

2013-05-23 ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag LATAM @VirtualizeCR #VCAP DCA obj.3.1 Tune & Optimize vSphere Performance

The following content is in Spanish, the language in which the webinar is presented. El 23 de mayo en ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBagLATAM @VirtualizeCR presentó el tema VCAP DCA Objetivo 3.1 “Tune & Optimize vSphere Performance”

#vBrownBag Follow-up VCAP Exam Experience with GS-Gurusimran Khalsa (@gurusimran)

GS talks about his experiences with the VMware VCAP-DCA and VCAP-DCD exams, shares some best practices and tips for taking and preparing for the exam.  We also get an overview of the Virtual Design Master contest which will be running through and concluding at VMworld. VMware VCAP Exam Experience with GS-Gurusimran Khalsa (@gurusimran) ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Follow-up VCAP Exam Experience with GS-Gurusimran Khalsa (@gurusimran)

EMEA #vBrownbag Schedule

If you don’t already know there is an EMEA version of the vBrownbag webinar being run every Tuesday at 7PM GMT out of western Europe. We have already covered a number of topics and have done objectives from the VCP5-DT, the VCP5-IaaS and most recently the VCAP5-CID blueprints. But the reason for this posting is
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VCAP5-CID now being covered on the EMEA #vBrownbag

Last night the EMEA vBrownbag started their series covering the VCAP5-CID (Cloud Infrastructure Design) and the first presenter was Philip Monk from VMware covering objective 3 of the blueprint which is vCloud Physical Design. The video from the session is embedded below and next week one of the co-hosts of the EMEA vBrownbag Arjan Timmerman
-> Continue reading VCAP5-CID now being covered on the EMEA #vBrownbag

Some ESXi CLI Commands

Having not used the ESXi command line as often as I should, I logged in and found myself in an unfamiliar place. My objective was to enter maintenance mode, reboot the host, and exit maintenance mode. ESXi CLI Enter Maintenance Mode vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter ESXi CLI Exit Maintenance Mode vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_exit ESXi CLI Reboot the host
-> Continue reading Some ESXi CLI Commands

AutoLab automation uncovered, vCloud

Alastair Cooke just released AutoLab v1.0 to production, and I wanted to talk a bit about the automation that went into the vCloud Director portion of the AutoLab. Before I get started, I’d like to point out a quote that’s attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on
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AutoLab 1.0 released

Hi everyone, it’s Alastair again with more AutoLab news.  Today we have released version 1.0 of the AutoLab which is a huge leap.  As you may have seen on my Demitasse blog the AutoLab has a sponsor, Veeam are helping make the AutoLab better.  In AutoLab 1.0 we not only have the complete vSphere lab in a box but now also the ability to add Veeam Backup and Replication and Veeam ONE into the lab. This allows evaluation testing and training on these products without deploying onto your production vSphere.
