#vSensei – Automation Weapons Selection

This one is also going to be a bit text heavy. The tl;dr version – Choose the right automation tool for the job. In preparation for a few upcoming VMUGs on automation, and the vScience conference in November (you really should sign up, here) I’m putting out a few posts on Automation / Orchestration to
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Running Rackspace Private Cloud on ESXi

First Post! Now, with that out of my system, I’ve found that running the just published OpenStack Private Cloud on bare metal to be a bit out of reach for my homelab. That said, I did find that it runs exceedingly well as a nested hypervisor on ESXi (use the tools I’ve got) and all.
-> Continue reading Running Rackspace Private Cloud on ESXi

#vBrownBag Follow-Up – VCAP-DCA 1.2 & 1.3

This week Hersey Cartwright (@herseyc) finished up the VCAP5-DCA series (I think), by rounding out Objective 1.2 and 1.3. VCAP-DCA Objective 1.2 & 1.3 Slides Video Show Notes So, @chriswahl has put together an AMAZING study guide… get it here. More #vBrownBag Goodness iTunes: http://t.co/07DGNQsTFeedburner: http://t.co/2Fic71ZW

Link Dump 5/19/12

It’s time for yet another round of ‘close ALL the tabs’. Made even better this time by some random mixup by which some apps open links in FireFox tabs, others in Chrome. Instead of fixing it, it makes for a nice organization system. http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2012/05/please-dont-learn-to-code.html – To code or not to code. Some decent arguments both
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VMware Workstation & Fusion Tech Previews Now Available

The technology fairy dropped a note in my inbox about a Public technology preview for VMware’s Desktop Virtualization Products (VMware Workstation and VMware Fusion). While this is a bit unusual for VMware, new and shiny is always fun. The details are below: VMware Workstation CTP The VMware Workstation Team is excited to invite you to
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Link Dump – 3/12/12

I’ve again hit the point where Chrome was eating up too much memory. Thusly, here’s what is currently in my open tabs: PCoIP, Win 8, iPad – http://myvirtualcloud.net/?p=2984 Resource Pool Shares & vCD – http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2012/02/28/resource-pool-shares-dont-make-sense-with-vcloud-director/ vBenchmark – http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2012/02/29/cool-tool-vbenchmark-fling/ Building Block Scaling – http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2012/03/02/scale-out-building-block-style-or-should-i-say-yellow-brick-style/ Use vCO to manage View – http://cloudnutz.com/2012/03/07/using-vmware-vco-to-manage-vmware-view/ vCenter 5 API for Guest
-> Continue reading Link Dump – 3/12/12

The BrownBags Need Your Help

Two bits of BrownBag news this week. First, there is no BrownBag this week. Figured after the VCP5 Cannon-Ball run, we’d give you a chance to digest and take the exam. Second, we need to know a bit about how to make the BrownBags better, so tell us what you think: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/832843/Do-you-BrownBag-copy-February-27-2012 If survey’s aren’t
-> Continue reading The BrownBags Need Your Help

BrownBag Follow-Up – VCP5 Objective 7 with @btobia

Video Slides Links http://www.vhersey.com/2011/08/access-the-esxi-direct-console-user-interface-dcui-over-ssh/ http://www.lucd.info/category/vsphere/event/ http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2011/08/10/vcenter-appliance/ http://www.virtuallyghetto.com/2011/07/new-vsphere-5-cli-utilitiestricks.html http://www.vbeers.org/2012/02/21/vbeers-seattle-wa-wednesday-march-7th-2012/ http://www.yellow-bricks.com/esxtop/ http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-50/topic/com.vmware.ICbase/PDF/vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-50-monitoring-performance-guide.pdf http://www.amazon.com/Storage-Design-Implementation-vSphere-VMware/dp/0321799933/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1329962282&sr=8-11 http://communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/server/vsphere/automationtools/vima