Azure ARM & Terraform Automation with Nick Colyer @vNickC and Cooper Lutz @lutz_cooper

Nick Colyer and Cooper Lutz continue the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals series with Azure Automation with ARM and Terraform. Find Nick on twitter at Find Cooper on twitter at Cooper blogs at Skyline Academy has a great offer for vBrownbag Viewers. Purchase an Azure 70-533 Certification course for 50% retail price. Enter
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VMware Infrastructure as Code with Brett Johnson (@brettjohnson008)

Brett Johnson introduces the concept of infrastructure as code, CD/CD pipeline, and Git best practices. Git Resources: Commitmas Git Documentation:

VMware vSAN Homelab with Tony Reeves (@importcarguy)

Tony Reeves joins us to close out the 2018 Home Lab series for vBrownbag. We look into methods to assemble gear, using NFR, trial, and free licenses to add more services into your home lab, and modernizing publicly available scripts to work with vSphere 6.5. Veeam NFR license details can be found

#vBrownBag VCAP6-DCV Design 3V0-622 Obj 1.3 with #VCDX @RebeccaFitzhugh

Hi everybody! Ariel here. Please remember that we are still looking to fill this series’ presenter slots – reach out on twitter to any of your friendly vBrownBag crew members such as Gregg, Rebecca, Frank, Brett or myself to get added, or use the @vBrownBagEMEA handle. In the second session of the VCAP6-DCD Design vBrownBag Series (yes,
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Quiet or Unattended Installing OpenLDAP on Ubuntu 14.04

After much looking about, I couldn’t actually find a decent writeup on this. At least not all in one place. So after having beat my face against it for a little while (repeatedly), I came up with the below. Installing OpenLDAP You’ll need an Ubuntu 14.04 box for this (tho, 12.04 should also work). Once
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