BrownBag Follow-Up: VCAP-DCA Objective 6.2

On 8/3 we talked vSphere performance as it relates to the VCAP-DCA exam. Specifically objective 6.2 on the exam blueprint. We also had special guest Hersey Cartwright along for the ride. First the Video, then some of the links: The Video ProfessionalVMware BrownBag – VCAP-DCA Objective 6.2 from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. The Links Generating Load
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BrownBag Follow-up – Storage, Virtualization, and NetApp

The Summary! No, it’s not that I was too lazy to fill out the template for the post, really. In fact, it was an excellent call with Julian Cates from NetApp. All in all a pretty good discussion. Video ProfessionalVMware BrownBags – NetApp & Virtualization Storage from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Summary So there we go,
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BrownBag Follow-Up: VDI & Storage Impacts

IOPS? No, it’s not where you go to get pancakes. Last night we were joined by two all-stars in VDI sizing and had an awesome audience conversation around VDI and it’s potential impact on storage. What follows is the video and some selected bits from the chat. The Video ProfessionalVMware BrownBags – VDI & Storage
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BrownBag – PowerCLI 101 Video Online

First a huge thanks to Glenn & the other authors of the PowerCLI Reference. If you don’t have a copy… you are doing yourself a disservice. Another thanks to those who attended live and continue to make these valuable for everyone. The Video ProfessionalVMware BrownBag – PowerCLI 101 w/ Glenn Sizemore from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo.
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BrownBag Follow-Up vSphere Security with Ed Haletky

The Video: ProfessionalVMware BrownBags – vSphere Security from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. The Links: Ed’s Site – Ed’s vSphere Security Book Ed on Twitter Summary: First, I seem to have misplaced the chat logs. There were a few good links shared. If y’all still have them handy, please drop them in the comments. As you
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BrownBag Follow-Up – Scott Lowe Edition

The Video ProfessionalVMware Technical BrownBags – Scott Lowe from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Scott’s Take Away: Know the products you are working with. Then, know them some more. …Really, know them frontwards and backwards Also, know how they interact with other technologies Links: Scott’s Blog – Jason’s Blog – Buy the “vShpere Design” book
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VCAP-DCA BrownBag Follow-Up: Kendrick Coleman LiveLab

Were you there? It was awesome! Thanks Kendrick for presenting & thanks to Jason Boche for the VCAP Exam vouchers! Now on to the good stuff: The Video ProfessionalVMware BrownBag With Kendrick Coleman from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. The Links The contest: https://vbrownbag.comm/2011/02/vcap-dca-voucher-give-away-round-2-live-lab/ Kendrick’s Blog: VCAP-DCA Page: “Green Machine” Lab: Other BrownBags &
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BrownBag Follow-Up – VCP4 ExamCram & Elias Khnaser

First, a big thank-you to both Elias for taking the time to chat with us, and to Pearson for providing copies of his new ExamCram book for BrownBag goers. Now onto the content: For those that missed this BrownBag, we talked to Elias Khnaser about his new VCP4 ExamCram book. Here is the video for
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VCAP-DCA Voucher Winner!

And then, there was a winner! Matt Liebowitz is the winner of the first VCAP-DCA Voucher! Congrats sir. Details will be e-mailed to you shortly. Stay tuned, we still have at least one more voucher to give away. This time with a live lab! Now, onto the video, flash cards, and correct answers: Video ProfessionalVMware
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VCAP-DCA BrownBag – Section 8 Orchestrator Follow-Up

First and foremost thanks to our three (yes THREE) guest presenters: Paul Richards – Virtualization lead on the Product Engineering team at SunGard Availability Services. His background is in virtualization, storage, and now this cloud stuff. Brian Knudtson –  just a simple Systems Engineer trying to make his way through this virtual world he’s found
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VCAP-DCA Section 8 Scripting & Automation – Follow-up

We had a decent, if quick show last night, during with we covered VMRun/VIX, PowerCLI, and a few other things. Here are the show notes: Video: ProfessionalVMware VCAP-DCA BrownBag – Scripting & Automation from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Flash Cards: Here they are… only 5 this time: Objectives: Objective 8.1 PowerCLI Notes: Getting started with
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VCAP-DCA BrownBag Follow-Up (Section 3, pt 1)

Thanks all who stuck around even after our late start. We still managed to have a productive call, both with the flash cards during the call, as well as the long fireside chat with Jason Boche afterwards. Thanks again Jason! Also thanks to everyone else who hung out on the call. Now onto the meat
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vFail BrownBag The Second: vMA

Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends…Tonight Sean (@vFail) covered the ins and outs of the VMware vMA. Video: ProfessionalVMware VCAP BrownBag – vMA from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Slides: VCAP DCA – vMA View more presentations from ProfessionalVMware. Notes: VMware vMA – Resoureces: VCAP Updates
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vFail BrownBag Follow-Up!

As promised, the video is indeed online and embedded below: Video: ProfessionalVMware/vFail VCAP-DCA BrownBag Objective 1 from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Slides! Vcap dca section 1 View more presentations from ProfessionalVMware. Show Notes: Uber Celerra VSA – Storage Blogs VCAP-DCA Resources….html iSCSI Multivendor Post Pluggable Storage Architecture How
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BrownBag #13 – OpenStack Follow-Up

Today we had Jim Curry and Jonathan Bryce of the OpenStack project come by to tell us a bit about the project. What it is, does, etc. The best place to see this is the video, just below. I’ve also collected some notes along that way that should be useful. First, the video: ProfessionalVMware VCP
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BrownBag #12 – VCAP Follow-Up Fail

Sorry about this folks, I’ve had some random “Life Happens” issues that caused this not to get posted on time. Here are the show notes and the video: Video ProfessionalVMware BrownBag 12 – VCAP Security from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Notes We covered quite a few items this go around. Most importantly however were the lessons
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BrownBag #10 – Security Follow-Up

Thanks again to Ed Haletky (@Texiwill) for coming along and presenting this week. Here is the video from the session: BrownBag #10 – Security Deep Dive from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Links: Virtualization Practice – Ed’s Blog – Resources! Virtualization Security Roundtable