VMware Tools ISO for Linux Guests

The RPM version of the VMware tools installer for Linux guests seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur. In addition, the tools ISO for Linux has been provided as it’s own download, that is hidden away on the ESX or ESXi download pages, rather than the “Tools and Drivers” page. Not sure why,
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Things in my Open Tabs – Face Melting Java in VMs

I’ve hit the point in Chrome where I’ve been so productive that I can’t be productive. That is, the point in which I have more tabs open than I could hope to reasonably read. What that means for y’all, is that as I close them out, I hit a few that hit interest points and
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New BrownBag Series! VCAP DCA, DCD, and Technical Deep Dives!

By popular demand (who would have thought) I’m launching another bi-weekly BrownBag series. Topics this time include VMware certification, VCAP-DCA, VCAP-DCD, vSphere Design, and other technical deep dive discussions. Kick-Off To kick off the series, we’ll be having Scott Lowe, one of the authors of the newly released vSphere Design book. Some background on the
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BrownBag Follow-Up – VCP4 ExamCram & Elias Khnaser

First, a big thank-you to both Elias for taking the time to chat with us, and to Pearson for providing copies of his new ExamCram book for BrownBag goers. Now onto the content: For those that missed this BrownBag, we talked to Elias Khnaser about his new VCP4 ExamCram book. Here is the video for
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VCAP-DCA Voucher Winner!

And then, there was a winner! Matt Liebowitz is the winner of the first VCAP-DCA Voucher! Congrats sir. Details will be e-mailed to you shortly. Stay tuned, we still have at least one more voucher to give away. This time with a live lab! Now, onto the video, flash cards, and correct answers: Video ProfessionalVMware
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VCAP-DCA BrownBag – Section 8 vCenter Orchestrator

On the last call the crowd suggested we cover the vCenter Orchestrator bits of Section 8, and so a tweet went out: … and thus we had three folks answer the call: Paul Richards – Virtualization lead on the Product Engineering team at SunGard Availability Services. His background is in virtualization, storage, and now this
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VMware View for Noobs (A Collection of Resources)

I had a friend ping me the other day with something along the lines of: “OMG VDI with View is hard!” For said friend, IT isn’t his day job, but alas, the business had a need and he needed an answer. Myself, I’m not as familiar with View as I could be, and thus reached
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BrownBag 12/08/2010 – VMware Certifications w/ Jon Hall

Instead of our usual faire of flash cards and demos, I’m going to mix it up this week by bringing in a special guest: Jon Hall of VMware Education. We’ve had Jon on a few times in the past, to talk about the certification process, the VCAP program, and the VCDX program. As we’re at
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vFail BrownBag The Second: vMA

Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends…Tonight Sean (@vFail) covered the ins and outs of the VMware vMA. Video: ProfessionalVMware VCAP BrownBag – vMA from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Slides: VCAP DCA – vMA View more presentations from ProfessionalVMware. Notes: VMware vMA – http://vmware.com/go/vma Resoureces: http://vfail.net http://geeksilver.wordpress.com http://vexperienced.co.uk http://communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/certedu/certification/vcap http://kendrickcoleman.com/index.php?/Tech-Blog/vcap-datacenter-administration-exam-landing-page-vdca410.html http://vmwaretraining.blogspot.com/ VCAP Updates
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OVFTool and VMware Fusion, an Odyssey

What started as a journey to deploy a few OVF/OVA files into fusion turned into quite the entertaining experience. Why? Well, following the advice here and here, I reinstalled the latest version of Fusion. However, there was still no OVFTool. How’s that? Well, VMware provides two different Fusion installers: There is much more than McAfee
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PowerCLI Tidbit of the Day

Today I found myself needing to find all hosts that were in a state other than connected within a datacenter. It’s only a one-liner and I’m sure you can (or have) found it elsewhere, but here it is again for reference: Get-Datacenter -Name "ProfessionalVMware" | Get-VMHost | Where { $_.State -ne "Connected" } | Select
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BrownBag #10 – Security Follow-Up

Thanks again to Ed Haletky (@Texiwill) for coming along and presenting this week. Here is the video from the session: BrownBag #10 – Security Deep Dive from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Links: Virtualization Practice – Ed’s Blog http://www.virtualizationpractice.com/blog/?file_id=41 – Resources! Virtualization Security Roundtable

Holy Cluster Batman! – Oracle 10g RAC on ESX 3.5

The following is a guide on how to get Oracle 10g R2 RAC installed on ESX 3.5 using CentOS Virtual Machines. Quite a mouthful, isn’t it? This was written up by Justin Mungal. In the guide Justin covers every thing needed to get Oracle RAC installed on ESX 3.5 and then some. It should be
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The Math Behind the DRS Stars

@vRobM and I were discussing an unrelated topic when DRS and the mysterious stars came up.  (**)?  Our first instinct was this was the “special sauce” between the two all beef patties.  However after some creative KB searching we came across a formula that describes it quite well: DRS Recommendations To understand the stars, you
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Stop Using VMware Server! (For Your Workstation Workloads)

I mean it. Really. One of my pet peeves is the fellow who installs VMware server on his workstation to run his work provided Windows XP image (or some variant of Linux). The logic behind this usually goes something like: “I needed to be able to create virtual machines and VMware Server is the only
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VCP Brown Bag #6 – Jon Hall Follow-Up

This weeks call with Jon Hall was full of interesting folks and even more interesting information about the VMware certification tracks. Note: Due to the content of the video VMware kindly requested I remove it until they make their official announcements in the not too distant future. I want to thank again everyone for coming
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esxcfg-module – Managing Modules – VCDX Prep

Like the last several posts, this one hails from the storage section of the Enterprise Admin Blueprint. The Enterprise Admin exam is one of the several requirements to becoming a VCDX. As I go down this path, I hope to share with you some of my exam prep in the hope that it will help
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