vBrownBag TechTalks Before and at VMworld

Our plans for TechTalks at VMworld 2020 are getting clearer. There will be a small number of TechTalks in the official VMware event, repeated in each of the three time zones. We will have quite a few more TechTalks than the VMworld team can accommodate, so we will also have a pre-VMworld event. On Monday
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Episode Followup – Frances Wong VCP-NV NSX-T 2.4 2V0-41.19 study guide

Frances Wong @frances_wong on twitter shows the study guide she did for the VCP -NV based on NSX-T 2.4. She goes deep into her preparation, resources, material and even taking the test remotely. If you used her guide, let her know! Resources: https://virtually2cents.com/nsx-t-2-4-study-guide-support/ https://www.vmware.com/education-services/certification/vcp-nv-nsxt-2019-exam.html

Episode Followup – vSphere 7 Security News You Can Use presented by Bob Plankers

Bob Plankers (https://twitter.com/plankers) continues our vSphere7 series with a look at new security features and guidance in vSphere 7. Resources: https://twitter.com/vSphereSecurity https://www.vmware.com/security/advisories.html https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Validated-Design/services/introduction-to-security-and-compliance/ https://github.com/vmware/dod-compliance-and-automation

Episode Followup – vSphere 7 with Kubernetes for the vSphere Admin presented by Mike Foley

Mike Foley (https://twitter.com/mikefoley) continues our vSphere 7 series with a look at vCenter 7 with Kubernetes. Mike walks through some of the architecture and workflows of administering Kubernetes on vSphere 7. Resources: Mike Foley’s Blogs: https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/author/mike_foley Micheal West’s Blogs: https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/author/michaelwest vSphere 7 Hands-on Labs: https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2020/06/announcing-the-vsphere-7-hands-on-labs.html

Episode Followup – What’s new with vCenter Server 7 presented by Nigel Hickey

sNigel Hickey (https://twitter.com/vCenterNerd) kicks off our vSphere 7 series with a look at vCenter 7 server. Nigel will highlight both improvements to existing features as well as some new goodies! ?Resources:?vSphere 7 blog – http://vmw.re/vsphere7 vSphere Upgrade Center – https://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/upgrade-center.html

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Join vBrownBag on Reddit

Modern times require modern solutions, so vBrownBag has joined a 15-year-old platform. You can now find vBrownBag on Reddit at https://www.reddit.com/r/vBrownBag/. Our subreddit is a place to talk about vBrownBag episodes and talk with community members. A little like the blogger tables at VMworld, but without the conference noise. We plan to link all new
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Episode Followup – What’s new in vRNI with Matt Just

Matt Just @H1_TEK_matt gives an excellent update on What’s new with vRealize Network Insight, both for on-premises and cloud-hosted versions. He spends the majority of the episode showing the platform’s capabilities in a live demo, which is always appreciated. You can read more about Network Insight in the official VMware blog https://blogs.vmware.com/networkvirtualization/tag/vrealize-network-insight/ and you can
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Episode Followup – What’s new with VMware Cloud Foundation 4.0 with Kevin Tebear

Kevin Tebear (https://twitter.com/ktebear) continues our series on VMware Cloud Foundation with a deeper look at the architecture and some details on new features in version 4.0 Resources: vmware.com/go/cloudfoundation-poster vmware.com/go/vcfhol vmware.com/go/cloudfoundation-community vmware.com/go/cloudfoundation-faq

Episode Followup – NSX Cloud and HCX with Britton Johnson

Britton Johnson (https://twitter.com/vcixnv) continues our series on VMware NSX-T with a quick look at NSX Cloud before diving into the multiple use cases for VMware HCX Resources: https://cloud.vmware.com/vmware-hcx https://labs.hol.vmware.com HOL-2081-01-HBD-VMware HCX – Getting Started with Cross-Cloud Mobility https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=VMware+HCX https://cloud.vmware.com/community/hybrid-cloud-extension/ https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-HCX/index.html https://youtu.be/B0erP-Rrkuo

Episode Followup – Introduction to VMware Cloud Foundation with Heath Johnson

Heath Johnson (https://twitter.com/heathbarj) gives us an introduction to VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF), shows a few demos, and gives us a sneak peek of the newest version of VCF 4.0 Resources: vmware.com/go/cloudfoundation-poster vmware.com/go/vcfhol vmware.com/go/cloudfoundation-community vmware.com/go/cloudfoundation-faq

Episode Followup – NSX-T Data Center Security and Distributed Firewall with Britton Johnson

Britton Johnson (https://twitter.com/vcixnv) continues our series on NSX-T Data Center with a look at Security and Distributed Firewall. Britton dives deeper into the security features of the platform and shows us how security rules are evaluated. We also got a peek at vRealize Network Insight (vRNI) #NSX #VMware #Education Resources: https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCategory=nsxt https://labs.hol.vmware.com/ HOL-2026-91-NET – VMware
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Episode Followup – vExpert PRO 2020 Update with Tim Davis, Matt Crape, Matt Langguth, Joe Houghes, Ariel Sanchez

A new crop of VMware vExpert PROs were awarded and we had some of them participate in a roundtable talking about what the program is about and how it helps others who aspire to get the vExpert award. Here’s the announcement and their twitter accounts: https://blogs.vmware.com/vexpert/2020/04/07/vexpert-2020-sub-program-awards/ https://twitter.com/vtimd https://twitter.com/MattThatITGuy https://twitter.com/gsxesx https://twitter.com/jhoughes https://twitter.com/arielsanchezmor Blog posts with tips
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – vExpert PRO 2020 Update with Tim Davis, Matt Crape, Matt Langguth, Joe Houghes, Ariel Sanchez

Episode Followup – NSX-T Data Center Routing and Switching with Britton Johnson

Britton Johnson (https://twitter.com/vcixnv) continues our series on NSX-T Data Center with a look at Routing and Switching. Britton gives us a deeper dive into the logical constructs within NSX-T as well as some topology examples and guidance on design. #NSX #VMware #Education Resources: https://communities.vmware.com/docs/DOC-37591 https://labs.hol.vmware.com/ HOL-2026-01-NET – VMware NSX-T: Getting Started – Module 3 Logical
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Episode Followup – Unlocking the Potential of Events for SDDC Automation presented by Michael Gasch (@ebano1), William Lam (@lamw) and PK (@pkblah)

Michael, William and PK join us to discuss how VEBA enables event based automation for vSphere. Every VI Admin knows that little toolbar in vCenter Server showing the Tasks and Events happening in their environment. This is commonly used to track progress of an operation and can also be used for auditing purposes. However, did
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Unlocking the Potential of Events for SDDC Automation presented by Michael Gasch (@ebano1), William Lam (@lamw) and PK (@pkblah)