ICND1 (CCENT) Study Guide

So, this has been quite a journey for me. If any of you are like me, you’ve avoided anything related to Networking, & especially Networking certifications like the plague. At work, if any issue networking related surfaced, I gladly pawned it off to the “networking guy”. With the boundaries between layers of the infrastructure stack
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VMworld Barcelona Underway!

VMware’s annual VMworld EMEA event is underway in Barcelona and the energy is amazing. Sessions are packed, the hang space is flowing with continuous traffic and chance meetings, and the vBrownBag crew is on-site producing more great content. VMware provided a great setup that has made it comfortable for the attendees, the presenters, and both
-> Continue reading VMworld Barcelona Underway!

#vBrownBag Follow-Up Introduction to DevOps with John Willis (@botchagalupe)

In our official kick off to the DevOps series, John Willis explains just what this DevOps thing is.  John provides excellent insights and helps you understand how to apply the concepts and culture that define DevOps.  Keep track of our entire DevOps schedule which will include links to recordings and homework or join our Google+ community to
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag Follow-Up Introduction to DevOps with John Willis (@botchagalupe)


This guest post is by David Espejo, who blogs at vcloudopia.wordpress.com, where you can find his back catalogue of posts. David writes in Spanish, so if you don’t speak Spanish be sure to use a browser that will translate for you. Find out more about the guest blogger program here.

VXLAN seems increasingly to be on the lips of all who follow the network virtualization market these days. On one hand the Internet Engineering Task Force   (IETF) approved about three weeks passed the state technology VXLAN draft or draft a protocol to be recognized by an RFC, which provides a more solid basis for consolidation.

Moreover, the growing rise of SDN suite of VMware: NSX has led partners like Juniper Networks, Arista Networks, among others; to offer devices capable of integrating with NSX using as VXLAN overlay protocol, for their capabilities and flexibility for infrastructure requirements.

This is the motivation for this series of 2 entries, fingers crossed, will become more posts on the progress of NSX as a platform for SDN.

Let’s get down.


VMworld EMEA TechTalks – Infinio

Please join me in welcoming another returning sponsor (my favourite kind). Infinio are this year taking on Europe, brining better storage performance on existing arrays to a whole new market. Naturally they are continuing to sponsor the #vBrownBag TechTalks, so we will be seeing them in Barcelona. If you are going to be in Barcelona
-> Continue reading VMworld EMEA TechTalks – Infinio

#vBrownBag Extra – Hyperconverged Infrastructure

Yesterday I had the pleasure of recording a sesion with Mike LaverickJesse StLaurent, and Steven Poitras. These gentlemen represent EVO:RAIL, SimpliVity and Nutanix respoectively. The three together represent the main players in the HyperConverged Infrastructure market. Since this market is so hot and so very different from the architectures it replaces we wanted to talk
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This guest post is by Steven Kang who blogs at ssbkang.com, where you can find his back catalogue of posts. Find out more about the guest blogger program here.


While upgrading ESXi 5.0 servers to 5.5 , I faced an issue that a bunch of virtual machines weren’t able to be vMotioned while entering maintenance mode.

In this blog post, I would like to share with you how I went through the issue and found the solution.


Initial symptom was that whenever I execute vMotion with a several virtual machines, it stopped at 14% saying:

“A specified parameter was not correct”


vForum Sydney–TechTalks

Great news, the vBrownBag TechTalks are coming back to vForum Sydney. For those familiar with TechTalks you can go straight to the signup form here. Tech Talks originated at VMworld 2012 where they provided an opportunity for community members, whose presentation submissions were not accepted into the main catalogue, to present the core of  a
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vBrownBag at Chicago VMUG conference

Yesterday was the Chicago VMUG conference and vBrownBag were there in force. Nick Marshall delivered the morning keynote, all about career progression and a session on VSOM. GS Khalsa delivered an SRM presentation ad then one on VDP 5.8. These guys are both VMware employees so were here as part of the VMware contribution to
-> Continue reading vBrownBag at Chicago VMUG conference

How I Learned to Love the vSphere Web Client

This guest post is by Melissa Palmer who blogs at vmiss.net, where you can find her back catalogue of posts. Melissa was the creative (evil) genius behind the scenarios for the Virtual Design Master Challenge. Find out more about the guest blogger program here.

A few months ago I decided to go all in on the vSphere Web Client. I was one of those people that wasn’t a huge fan of ESXi when the Service Console was dropped, so I decided to take a different approach here and embrace it. The verdict? I like it. A lot. I’ve gotten so used to it, that when @DiscoPosse and I tried to do a Test Track at VMworld, I had a bad time. I kept on saying “but I know exactly how to do this in the Web Client!”, and of course, it was iSCSI. So it was a really bad time. As I write this and wait for my vCenter to reboot, I’m actually using the C# Client to access the host, and I can’t wait to get back to the web client.Screen Shot 2014-09-17 at 5.51.07 PM

(Bye bye!  Might as well bite the bullet and get used to not using it)


Cisco sponsors #vBrownBag TechTalks at VMworld EMEA

Cisco continues to be the only company to say yes to sponsoring every single TechTalks event. Welcome back our friends at Cisco. We still have places for TechTalk presenters. The signup form is here, go ahead and sign up now. We also have places for TechTalk sponsors both at VMworld EMEA and at the OpenStack
-> Continue reading Cisco sponsors #vBrownBag TechTalks at VMworld EMEA


This guest post is by Steven Kang who blogs at ssbkang.com, where you can find his back catalogue of posts. Find out more about the guest blogger program here.


Recently, I wrote a PowerCLI script to audit which virtual machines are running on vDisks in relationship. With this report, I could correct naming convention of both VMFS volumes and vDisks and find out which VMFS volumes are not in relationship.

In this blog post, I will be going through:

  • Products Used
  • Script & Explanation
  • Sample Output


APAC Storage Debate, walking dead edition

We are back with another storage debate on the APAC edition of the vBrownBag podcast. This week two teams will argue for and against the statement: Fibre Channel is the walking dead of storage infrastructure, just like tape. Teams are still being arranged, but expect to hear from John, Justin, Geoff and David. If you
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