Episode Followup – Terraforming Azure: Boldly Going Beyond ‘azurerm’ with Mark Tinderholt
Star Trek puns incoming! Red Alert!
Join Mark Tinderholt as he captains a journey through the uncharted territories of Azur …
Star Trek puns incoming! Red Alert!
Join Mark Tinderholt as he captains a journey through the uncharted territories of Azur …
Sai Gunaranjan is a Cloud Architect and experience cloud migrator! In this episode we go over several things you should do, and …
Terraform On A Dime: Building Azure Infrastructure on a Shoestring Budget Mark is a Principal Azure Cloud Architect at Microsoft.
Rob Hirschfeld is CEO of RackN, and in this episode, we go through the pros and cons of Terraform and how to leverage it for use in Multiple clouds! Resources: Infrastructure as Code at Enterprise Scale?> https://youtu.be/bmPCSsAMayw Building templates from scratch > https://youtu.be/EfJ0d9pr16k Digital Rebar playlist > https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXPBeIrpXjfigvrXEQIJxXmFdTHqobooH https://fosstodon.org/@zehicle@hachyderm.io https://twitter.com/zehicle
Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, Shannon Kuehn (@shankuehn) walks us through a brilliant introduction on what a APIs are, REST vs SOAP vs XML, and how YOU can start using them straight away! Resources: https://twitter.com/shankuehn https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannonkuehn/ https://425show.com https://www.postman.com/ https://youtu.be/NXhKhuILxYw
Solution Architect Nathan Farrar (@nfarroar) gives us a deep dive into Azure networking. What works, pitfalls to beware of, and how to design a redundant, scalable, enterprise grade network! Resources: https://twitter.com/nfarroar https://farroar.com/
Christina Warren presents “Switching Careers and Taking on New Challenges Without Drowning in Self Doubt” Christina Warren is a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. In this talk we discuss the good, bad, & the ugly of career changes with some tips she picked up along the way to deal with the dreaded imposter syndrome! Resources:
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Switching Careers and Taking on New Challenges Without Drowning in Self Doubt with Christina Warren
Shannon Kuehn presents “Accelerate Your Journey to Cloud with Azure VMware Solution” Shannon Kuehn is a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. In this talk Shannon talks about cloud migrations, Azure VMware Solution, and the who-what-when-where-why of using AVS in your cloud migration strategy! Resources: AVS Overview – https://azure.microsoft.com/services/azure-vmware/ AVS Documentation – https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-vmware/ Azure VMware Solution
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Accelerate Your Journey to Cloud with Azure VMware Solution with Shannon Kuehn
Jeramiah Dooley (@jdooley_clt) presents “Admin to Advocacy: How’d you do that?” Jeramiah gives us an intro into developer and cloud advocacy roles. What it is and what you need to know if you want to get into the field. Resources: http://jeramiah.net/ https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/
Sean Hicks (@SeanHicks77) presents “VMware Anywhere – VMware on X” What kind of cool stuff can you do when you combine VMware and your favorite public cloud? Resources: https://vmc.vmware.com/ https://www.wwt.com/atc
Jason McMinn (@vm_jmcminn) will lead a discussion around Azure & AWS, where we’ll cover some basics, pitfalls and the things we didn’t know that we didn’t know about Azure & AWS.
Hey guys, this is Ken Nalbone and Luis Ayuso. Ben Di Qual adds to our Azure series with a demonstration on Azure Monitoring and Operations. We take a look at the Azure dashboard and monitoring capabilities, both overall and within specific application stacks. If you’d like to ask Ben Questions, reach out to him on
-> Continue reading Azure Monitoring and Operations with Ben Di Qual (@bendiq)
Mark Morowczynski joins the Microsoft Azure series to talk about Azure Active Directory Have questions? as Mark on Twitter at https://twitter.com/markmorow *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in IT infrastructure and we help
-> Continue reading Microsoft Azure AD with Mark Morowczynski (@markmorow)
Nick Colyer and Cooper Lutz continue the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals series with Azure Automation with ARM and Terraform. Find Nick on twitter at https://www.twitter.com/vNickC Find Cooper on twitter at https://www.twitter.com/lutz_cooper Cooper blogs at https://cooperscloud.tech/ https://skylinesacademy.com Skyline Academy has a great offer for vBrownbag Viewers. Purchase an Azure 70-533 Certification course for 50% retail price. Enter
-> Continue reading Azure ARM & Terraform Automation with Nick Colyer @vNickC and Cooper Lutz @lutz_cooper
Eric DeBord joins us for the Azure series discussing App Services. Eric is a contributor at https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azureedu Questions? Hit Eric up on twitter at https://www.twitter.com/ewdebord *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in IT
-> Continue reading Azure App Services with Eric DeBord (@ewdebord)
Mike Nelson joins the Azure Foundation series to walk through troubleshooting an Azure environment. You can find Mike on Twitter at https://www.twitter.com/nelmedia http://cloudharmony.com/speedtest-for-aws https://azurespeedtest.azurewebsites.net/ https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/templates/azure-resource-optimization-toolkit/ *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in IT
-> Continue reading Azure Troubleshooting with Mike Nelson (@nelmedia)
Nick Colyer and Karl Rautenstrauch continue the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals series with Azure Storage. Find Nick on twitter at https://www.twitter.com/vNickC Find Karl on twitter at https://www.twitter.com/Kloud_Karl https://skylinesacademy.com Skyline Academy has a great offer for vBrownbag Viewers. Purchase an Azure 70-533 Certification course for 50% retail price. Enter promo code VBROWNBAG50 *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials:
-> Continue reading Azure Storage Fundamentals w Nick Colyer (@vNickC) and Karl Rautenstrauch (@Kloud_Karl)