#vBrownBag DevOps Follow-Up Introduction to Vagrant with Jonas Rosland (@virtualswede)

Jonas Rosland introduces you to Vagrant which is used for creating and configuring virtual development environments and can also be used along side configuration management tools such Chef, Salt and Puppet which we will cover in future episodes.  Keep track of our entire DevOps schedule which will include links to recordings and homework or join our Google+ community to discuss episodes,
-> Continue reading #vBrownBag DevOps Follow-Up Introduction to Vagrant with Jonas Rosland (@virtualswede)

How to Make A LOT of Devstack with Vagrant

Sometimes you need to make A LOT of devstack instances, and on different providers. That is, some in the cloud, others locally, and then some. At least, I keep finding myself in situations where this happens, so, I made a little Vagrantfile to handle the details for me. Here is the Vagrantfile I use to
-> Continue reading How to Make A LOT of Devstack with Vagrant

[Update] Vagrant, Puppet, OpenStack

Recently, Puppet Labs released an “Grizzly” module, based on their work with the Puppet Labs OpenStack module, that takes a more role based approach. That is, it breaks out things like controller, compute, and storage. It also combines them with Hiera in a much more elegant way than before. I covered using Puppet and Hiera
-> Continue reading [Update] Vagrant, Puppet, OpenStack

Nyan Nyan Nyan Batman!

A more practical (Ok, it’s not that practical) example of the multi provider vagrant file. I present ascii Nyan cat. From a box with either Fusion or Virtualbox: git clone https://github.com/bunchc/vagrant-nyancat.gitvagrant upvagrant sshtmux new-session -d ‘nyancat’ ; split-window -d ; attach Depending on the provider… wait 5 minutes, and then Nyan!