This guest post is by James Brown who blogs at, where you can find his back catalogue of posts. Find out more about the guest blogger program here.
Good morning, afternoon, and evening to all the blog readers.
I was challenged by Eric Wright and the #vDM team to do two things. First was to write 30 blogs in 30 days. This seems to be working out, The second was to step up even further and be a guest blogger for #vBrownBag. We will see if I am asked to do it again.
So with the explanation out of the way, here we go.
The above introduction was more than just an explanation. In January of 2014, I decided it was time for me to start getting my name out there to maybe move up into a better career. So I started a blog, updated my Linked-in, and started a Twitter account. The community I found on twitter was overwhelming. One of the first people I followed on Twitter was Bryon Schaller. He had just been accepted to participate in the #VirtualDesignMaster program. So I started watching and following. I became more and more interested in the VCDX program and becoming a Virtual Architect. From there I have gather 132 twitter followers. I have followed 318 people/vendors.