#vBrownBag DevOps Follow-Up Learning Chef with Yvo van Doorn (@yvov)

Yvo van Doorn joins the #vBrownBag DevOps series to discuss configuration management with Chef. Video Presentation You can follow Yvo on Twitter @yvov . Originally published at https://vbrownbag.comm – Sign up for the live #vBrownBag broadcast at https://vbrownbag.comm/brownbags/ where you can also get updates and view our past series such as the Automate All The Things series at https://vbrownbag.comm/vbrownbag-automate-all-the-things-training-schedule/, Cisco certification series https://vbrownbag.comm/vbrownbag-cisco-certification-track/ or
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Announcing the #vBrownBag DevOps series

Starting on October 1st and going through at least January, the ProfessionalVMware.com #vBrownBag podcast will bring you a series designed to prepare and strengthen your DevOps knowledge and skill set.  Much like we did for Couch to OpenStack and Automate ALL the Things series we have setup a Google+ community and “homework” to give you
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Chef, Razor, OpenStack – Part 3

Ok, we’re now really deep into things. Because I’ve been a few weeks in getting this post out there, and because the material is deep in places, you may want to review: Part 1 – Installing Chef and importing cookbooks. Part 2 – Using Chef to bootstrap Razor Back with us? Ok! So, our current state
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Chef, Razor, OpenStack – Part 2

In the last post we talked about what it is we are building as well as built the Chef Server that will service the remainder of the environment. As before, this work is being done in conjunction with the upcoming updated release of the OpenStack Cookbook with Kevin Jackson. In this part we will cover
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Chef, Razor, OpenStack – Part 1

Automated OpenStack Installs you say? Build my own Private Cloud you say? DevOps, Hybrid, and the intercloud? Ok, so, now that we’ve scored buzzword bingo, what am I talking about? Edits in Mace-Windu After you get Chef going… Part 2 – Installing and configuring Razor with Chef: http://openstack.prov12n.com/chef-razor-openstack-part-2/ Part 3 – Bringing it all together, installing
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Chef Server on Ubuntu 12.04

Ran into some issues over the weekend getting Chef Server installed using apt on 12.04. Starting with the directions here. I started having issues trying to bring up the webui and chef-server after the apt install of those packages. More specifically: $ sudo service chef-server-webui start * Starting chef-server-webui   ~ In 22617  [fail] This led
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Learning Chef

Having spent the last few days in Chef training, I needed to get a few notes out here. Concepts Framework to solve business problems Infrastructure as code programmatically describe and manage infrastructure version controlled infrastructure simplified rebuilds Say what to change/configure, not how. Relationships This diagram is taken from the Opscode wiki and explains how
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