OpenStack Summit – Summary pt 2

This post here is a quick wrap of the sessions I presented as well as relevant links to the hands on bits: Hands on with OpenStack Cinder & OpenStack Networking Slides Do it yourself If you find an error, have any questions, etc. Drop me a line. PCI-DSS and Practical OpenStack Hardening Slides

OpenStack Summit – Day 3

Talk about a breakneck week. The sessions are not just packed with people, but also with information. Rather than give you a long bullet list of the keynotes, the folks on the OpenStack blog did a pretty good job summarizing that here. Also, you really need to watch the Troy Toman keynote: I also managed
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OpenStack Summit – Day 2

In short, I didn’t get to much other than the Keynote(s) today. Was doing some last minute prep for a 4:30p session today (Wednesday). Keynote Summary: Live streaming is available on This is the largest summit yet, 1400 folks in attendance. Quite a few last minute, so, logistics on day 1 were a bit
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