Episode Followup – Intro to CI/CD with Python presented by Chris Arceneaux

Chris Arceneaux (@chris_arceneaux) continues our Python For DevOps series and discusses how to use the CI/CD platforms Travis CI & Gitlab Resources: https://www.arsano.ninja/ https://github.com/carceneaux/travis-ci-python-demo https://github.com/carceneaux/gitlab-ci-python-demo *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in IT
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Episode Followup – HashiCorp Tools – Overview, Workflow & Demo with @gmaentz

Gabe Maentz, fellow long time vCommunity and member and co-founder of vBrisket gives us a “speed-dating” introduction of all the more famous HashiCorp tools: Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, Vault and Consul. He ties it all in really nicely in his demos by using the https://nifi.apache.org/ OSS application and an AWS backend. He regularly blogs at http://www.maentz.net/
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Episode Followup – Governing your Microsoft Azure Environment with Phoummala Schmitt

As a conclusion to our 2019 Azure series, Phoummala Schmitt discusses how Microsoft takes the pain out of Azure governance using policies and blueprints. Reach Phoummala at twitter.com/ExchangeGoddess or by email at ExchangeGoddess @ microsoft.com All Azure Governance documentation can be found at http://aka.ms/cloudgovernance

vBrownBag TechTalk Schedule at re:Invent

The first appearance of vBrownBag TechTalks at re:Invent has snuck up on us. We have been invited by the VMware community team to be part of the VMware {CODE} booth at re:Invent and were able to grab six presentation slots for TechTalks, the full schedule for the {CODE} booth is in this blog post. The booth
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vBrownBag TechTalks – Now in Podcast Form

We have been running the vBrownBag podcast for years and we have also been doing vBrownBag TechTalks for years. Until now TechTalks were only accessible by visiting YouTube but now there is a new vBrownBag podcast, the vBrownBag TechTalks podcast. Now you can catch up on all the interesting TechTalks that you didn’t manage to
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TechTalks at vForum Sydney Schedule

vForum rolls into Sydney next week and the vBrownBag crew will be there, near the Dodgem cars making TechTalk videos. The TechTalk location makes more sense when you know that vForum Sydney takes place at Luna Park, a historic funfair at the north end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. If you are at vForum then you will find
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Morpheus Data – TechTalks at VMworld EMEA

It is now nearly a month since VMworld USA and we are starting to think about VMworld EMEA, where there will be another full schedule fo TechTalks. You can already find many of these sessions in the Content Catalog for VMworld EMEA, just search for VMTN. This is also a great time to announce that
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vBrownBag TechTalks at VMworld 2018 Wrap up

VMworld US is over for 2018, and I hope everyone has recovered from the travel and the inevitable post-conference ills. I managed to not pack any decent shoes, just my travel slippers and a pair of sandals. As a result, I learned that new shoes and conference walking do not mix, the big blister on
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Azure Monitoring and Operations with Ben Di Qual (@bendiq)

Hey guys, this is Ken Nalbone and Luis Ayuso. Ben Di Qual adds to our Azure series with a demonstration on Azure Monitoring and Operations. We take a look at the Azure dashboard and monitoring capabilities, both overall and within specific application stacks. If you’d like to ask Ben Questions, reach out to him on
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Supermicro Build Day Live Wrapup

Another, very educational, Build Day Live event completed, and I still find that each event feels different. The Build Day Live with Supermicro felt like I was learning a lot about the company and not so much about the specific product that we deployed. I already knew that Supermicro is a server vendor in their own category, not an all-encompassing behemoth like some of the other big vendors but not just an assembler of components like some lower cost vendors. I knew that Supermicro designs and manufacture their servers and that their engineering is top notch. What I didn’t realize was that the engineering and manufacturing happens in San Jose for products shipped to US customers. I didn’t know how good Supermicro is at re-using engineering across product families using modular designs. I also had no idea that there are a complete range of Supermicro data center network switches.


Netapp Completes VMworld US TechTalk Sponsors

The final sponsor for the vBrownBag TechTalks at VMworld US 2018 is Netapp. Not only do we have a full schedule of TechTalks, but also a full roster of sponsors. It is great to have Netapp back and I’m looking forward to hearing a bit more about their product evolution. To catch the Netapp TechTalks or
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vBrownbag TechTalks at VMworld, thank you Supermicro

It seems that Supermicro is our new best friend, hot on the heels of last week’s awesome Build Day Live event, we have Supermicro sponsoring the TechTalks at VMworld US and EMEA. I was amazed to find that Supermicro designs and builds their products in San Jose, California as well as that they have a huge support
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Azure Storage Fundamentals w Nick Colyer (@vNickC) and Karl Rautenstrauch (@Kloud_Karl)

Nick Colyer and Karl Rautenstrauch continue the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals series with Azure Storage. Find Nick on twitter at https://www.twitter.com/vNickC Find Karl on twitter at https://www.twitter.com/Kloud_Karl https://skylinesacademy.com Skyline Academy has a great offer for vBrownbag Viewers. Purchase an Azure 70-533 Certification course for 50% retail price. Enter promo code VBROWNBAG50 *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials:
-> Continue reading Azure Storage Fundamentals w Nick Colyer (@vNickC) and Karl Rautenstrauch (@Kloud_Karl)

VMware vSAN 6.7 Enhancements with Jase McCarty (@JaseMcCarty)

  Jase McCarty joins us to discuss what’s new with vSAN 6.7. Contact Jase with any questions or feedback at www.twitter.com/jasemccarty vsan assessment https://www.vmware.com/products/hyper-converged-infrastructure/assessment.html storage hub https://storagehub.vmware.com/ documentation portal https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSAN/index.html HOLs https://my.vmware.com/en/web/vmware/evalcenter?p=vsan-18-hol *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping
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VMware NSX-T + CNA with Niran Even-Chen (@NiranEC)

Niran Even-Chen (twitter.com/NiranEC) joins us to talk about NSX-T and Cloud Native Applications (CNA). Watch as he proves that they work together like peanut butter and jelly. The video includes 3 live demos! *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in
-> Continue reading VMware NSX-T + CNA with Niran Even-Chen (@NiranEC)

VMware vSphere 6.7 Upgrade with Nigel Hickey (@vCenterNerd)

https://youtu.be/3qdXdtKRZuQ   Nigel Hickey joins us to talk about upgrading to vSphere 6.7. End of General Support for vSphere 5.5 notice: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/51491 VMware Product Interoperability Matrixes: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2006028 Supported and depreciated topologies: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2147672 Update sequence for vSphere 6.5: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2147289 vSphere Upgrade ebook: http://www.vmw.re/vsphere-upgrade-ebook vspherecentral.vmware.com http://www.vmw.re/65upgradetool http://www.vmware.com/go/vsphere65playlist *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes:
-> Continue reading VMware vSphere 6.7 Upgrade with Nigel Hickey (@vCenterNerd)

VMware vSphere 6.7 Security Features w/ Mike Foley (@mikefoley)

Mike Foley (@MikeFoley) discusses the new security features of vSphere 6.7 3:38 – ESXi and TPM 2.0 14:30 – Windows 10 & 2016 Security Features Support 35:15 – VM Encryption in HTML5 UI 40:06 – vSphere 6.7 Security Resources https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2018/05/vsphere-6-7-security-media-resources.html *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is
-> Continue reading VMware vSphere 6.7 Security Features w/ Mike Foley (@mikefoley)

Datrium Sponsors TechTalks at VMworld US 2018

We have brought you a lot of great video about the Datrium DVXsolution, Open Converged, with the Build Day Live and the AMA. Our friends at Datrium were also the first to say yes to supporting the TechTalks at VMworld US 2018. There is still time to submit your TechTalk, details are on this page. Sessions
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VMware 6.7 APIs and Automation with Kyle Ruddy (@kmruddy)

Kyle Ruddy (@kmruddy) joins us to discuss and demo what’s new with the vSphere 6.7 APIs. The best way to reach Kyle for question is twitter DM https://www.twitter.com/kmruddy Have a feature request? Post it to https://powercli.ideas.aha.io/ and they will look into it! *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag