vBrownBag TechTalk Schedule at re:Invent

The first appearance of vBrownBag TechTalks at re:Invent has snuck up on us. We have been invited by the VMware community team to be part of the VMware {CODE} booth at re:Invent and were able to grab six presentation slots for TechTalks, the full schedule for the {CODE} booth is in this blog post. The booth (Q505) appears to be in “THE QUAD” at the Aria West level 1. I will be at the booth much of the week talking about vBrownBag and community. Gregg Robertson is also tracking our community members who will be at re:Invent and encouraging us to get together and engage with the AWS community, his blog post has a signup form too.

Here is the schedule for the vBrownBag TechTalks: