Episode Followup – Sales Skills for Technical Types with Joe Onisick

Joe Onisick (@joeonisick) presents “Sales Skills for Technical Types” Joe is a self described polarizing technologist and consummate bullshit artist 🙂 That being said, this presentation is no bs! In it he talks about why everyone in tech is also really in sales. This talk is repleat with tips and tricks on how to level
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Sales Skills for Technical Types with Joe Onisick

Episode Followup – Getting Started in Cybersecurity with Christophe Limpalair

Christophe Limpalair (@christophelimp) presents “Getting Started in Cybersecurity” Christophe has worked on several online training platforms including Linux Academy. Recently he founded Cybr.com, a learning platform for cybersecurity. Here he talks about his recommendations for learning about and getting into the various different fields within the realm of cybersecurity. Resources: https://cybr.com https://cybr.com/blog/ https://www.beautiful.ai/player/-MUUEEAeaLVT55LRYDbH https://hackthebox.eu

Episode Followup – Special Education Teacher to AWS Hero with Hiroko Nishimura

Hiroko Nishimura (@hirokonishimura) presents “Ms.Hiro to AWS Hero: From Special Education Teacher to AWS Hero” Hiroko came from a non-technical background and wanted to get into AWS. Here she talks about her tips and recommendations for learning IT jargon when you are starting from zero technical background. Resources: https://hiroko.io https://hirokonishimura.com https://awsnewbies.com/ https://introtoaws.com/

Episode Followup – Admin to Advocacy: How’d you do that? with Jeramiah Dooley

Jeramiah Dooley (@jdooley_clt) presents “Admin to Advocacy: How’d you do that?” Jeramiah gives us an intro into developer and cloud advocacy roles. What it is and what you need to know if you want to get into the field. Resources: http://jeramiah.net/ https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/

Episode Followup – How to Start Doing Data Science with Ayodele Odubela

Ayodele Odubela (@DataSciBae) presents “How to Start Doing Data Science” Ayodele gives us an intro into data science. What it is and what you need to know if you want to get into the field. Code for 25% off her new book: VBROWNBAG Resources: https://ayodeleodubela.com https://bit.ly/DS4A_AYO https://www2.slideshare.net/AyodeleROdubela/how-to-start-doing-data-science-240762610

Episode Followup – vSphere 7 Security News You Can Use presented by Bob Plankers

Bob Plankers (https://twitter.com/plankers) continues our vSphere7 series with a look at new security features and guidance in vSphere 7. Resources: https://twitter.com/vSphereSecurity https://www.vmware.com/security/advisories.html https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Validated-Design/services/introduction-to-security-and-compliance/ https://github.com/vmware/dod-compliance-and-automation

Episode Followup – What’s new with VMware Cloud Foundation 4.0 with Kevin Tebear

Kevin Tebear (https://twitter.com/ktebear) continues our series on VMware Cloud Foundation with a deeper look at the architecture and some details on new features in version 4.0 Resources: vmware.com/go/cloudfoundation-poster vmware.com/go/vcfhol vmware.com/go/cloudfoundation-community vmware.com/go/cloudfoundation-faq

Episode Followup – Unlocking the Potential of Events for SDDC Automation presented by Michael Gasch (@ebano1), William Lam (@lamw) and PK (@pkblah)

Michael, William and PK join us to discuss how VEBA enables event based automation for vSphere. Every VI Admin knows that little toolbar in vCenter Server showing the Tasks and Events happening in their environment. This is commonly used to track progress of an operation and can also be used for auditing purposes. However, did
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Unlocking the Potential of Events for SDDC Automation presented by Michael Gasch (@ebano1), William Lam (@lamw) and PK (@pkblah)

Episode Followup – Flask on AWS Fargate by Michael Herman

Michael Herman (@MikeHerman) continues our Python For DevOps series how to use Python, Docker, and AWS Fargate to run a Flask microservice! It’s a lot of knowledge in 46 minutes to hang on tight! Resources: https://gitlab.com/testdriven/flask-tdd-docker/tree/aws-fargate https://testdriven.io/courses/tdd-flask/ https://testdriven.io/ https://realpython.com/ https://mherman.org/ https://github.com/mjhea0

Episode Followup – Learning Python: Foundations to Real World Projects by Eric Matthes

Eric Matthes (@ehmatthes), author of the best seller Python Crash Course, continues our Python For DevOps series, shares baby pics of himself, and does a live coding exercise using the requests module and threading! Resources: https://ehmatthes.github.io/pcc_2e https://ehmatthes.github.io https://nostarch.com/pythoncrashcourse2e

Episode Followup – Use Python’s async and await to boost DevOps by Michael Kennedy (@mkennedy)

Michael Kennedy (@mkennedy), host of the Talk Python To Me Podcast (@TalkPython) continues our Python For DevOps series with a presentation on how to use the async and await keywords to increase performance! Resources: https://github.com/mikeckennedy/async-await-jetbrains-webcast https://github.com/mikeckennedy/wakeup https://training.talkpython.fm/ https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

Episode Followup – Python Pandas for Excel Presented by Katie Kodes

Katie Kodes (@KatieKodes) continues our Python For DevOps series with an amazing discussion on methods for using Python and the Pandas Library to more easily get to the data you need! Resources: https://katiekodes.com/vbb19 https://repl.it https://codebunk.com/ https://katiekodes.com/setup-python-windows-anaconda https://jvns.ca/blog/good-questions

Episode Followup – Python For DevOps basics with Chris Williams (@mistwire)

Chris Williams kicks off the Python For DevOps series discussing the basics Resources: Automate the Boring Stuff by Al Sweigart https://www.twitter.com/AlSweigart Modern Python 3 Bootcamp (Colt Steele) – Udemy Python for Everybody – py4e.com https://www.twitter.com/drchuck Python Crash Course (Eric Matthes) https://www.twitter.com/ehmatthes https://www.codecombat.com http://docs.python.org/3/tutorial http://wiki.python.org/main/BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers Talk Python to Me podcast https://www.twitter.com/mkennedy http://pythontutor.com

Episode Followup – Learning & Teaching Python with Sean and Kelly! Presented by Sean Tibor & Kelly Schuster-Paredes

Sean Tibor & Kelly Schuster-Paredes (@smtibor @kellyPared) continue our Python For DevOps series and discuss methods for learning more effectively, increasing retention, and stuffing more info into your head! Resources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19hVYKQKMAOv6wN5lgu6tVh3G3xJndgd2mMqqxIRtzcs/edit https://realpython.com/ https://codechalleng.es/ https://codecombat.com/ https://www.fast.ai/ https://nostarch.com/pythoncrashcourse2e https://nostarch.com/automatestuff https://www.youtube.com/user/sentdex https://pybit.es/special-100days.html https://www.udemy.com/the-modern-python3-bootcamp/