Episode Followup – Multi-Cloud Architectures: When & Why?
In this episode, VP of Cloud and Data Solutions Jenn Bergstrom talks with us about multi-cloud! It’s an often used phrase …
In this episode, VP of Cloud and Data Solutions Jenn Bergstrom talks with us about multi-cloud! It’s an often used phrase …
Star Trek puns incoming! Red Alert!
Join Mark Tinderholt as he captains a journey through the uncharted territories of Azur …
For almost 10-years now, future-focused datacenter teams have been trying to evolve to more cloud-like operating model.
AWS Hero and Senior Software Engineer Danielle Heberling joins us to talk about AWS Serverless in the modern healthcare …
In this episode we chat with AWS Hero & Principal Engineer at CustomInk Ken Collins about the future of AI: where your company …
Want to be a part of the State of AWS 2024? DO THE SURVEY!! https://answersforaws.com/survey/ In this episode, Pete walks us …
About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/@vbrownbag Socials: Mastodon: @vBrownBag@fosstodon.org …
Johannes Koch is an AWS Devtools Hero and Senior Engineer for FICO. In this episode we talk about AWS CodeCatalyst, the …
AWS Hero Johannes Koch joins us to talk about CodeCatalyst and all the AI things!
Sai Gunaranjan is a Cloud Architect and experience cloud migrator! In this episode we go over several things you should do, and …
Eric Matthes is author of the best selling book Python Crash Course. In this episode he discusses the why of software testing and then walks us through a live coding example to create tests for a text editor he created! Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-matthes-598765205/ https://nostarch.com/python-crash-course-3rd-edition https://ehmatthes.github.io/pcc_3e/ https://mostlypython.substack.com/ https://github.com/ehmatthes/django-simple-deploy https://django-simple-deploy.readthedocs.io https://github.com/initialcommit-com/git-sim https://github.com/ehmatthes/whimbrel https://pypi.org/project/pexpect/ http://learngrandstaff.com/ https://automationpanda.com/2018/08/01/the-testing-pyramid/
Sean Tibor is a Sr. Cloud Engineer at Mondelez International and host of the Teaching Python Podcast! In this episode, he discusses tools, lessons learned, and best practices for using Terraform in a serverless environment! Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/seantibor/ https://twitter.com/smtibor https://serverless.tf/ https://github.com/antonbabenko/serverless.tf https://docs.powertools.aws.dev/lambda/python/latest/ https://docs.python.org/3/ https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/fluent-python-2nd/9781492056348/
Rosemary Wang is a Senior Developer Advocate at HashiCorp and author of “Infrastructure as Code, Patterns and Practices: With examples in Python and Terraform”! In this episode she discusses tools, lessons learned and best practices for testing Terraform! Resources: https://joatmon08.github.io/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosemarywang/ https://twitter.com/joatmon08 https://tinyurl.com/rosemary-iac
Chris May is a Python Consultant, Trainer, & Author: In this episode, he discusses best practices & methods for refactoring your Python code. When you should, when you shouldn’t, and gives us a step-by-step example of how to do it! Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/1chrismay/ https://fosstodon.org/@_chrismay https://twitter.com/_ChrisMay https://blog.alexewerlof.com/p/tech-debt-day https://everydaysuperpowers.dev/resources/python-refactoring-toolkit/ https://everydaysuperpowers.dev
Hila Fish is a Sr. DevOps Engineer at Wix, a HashiCorp Ambassador, and an AWS Community Builder(Whew!)! In this episode she discusses best practices for deploying Terraform at scale! Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hila-fish/ https://twitter.com/Hilafish1 https://bit.ly/3QwhL7t https://docs.aws.amazon.com/tag-editor/latest/userguide/tagging.html https://bit.ly/3D9NfNy https://bit.ly/3RQyUtC https://bit.ly/3TWoV80 https://bit.ly/3Brt7Fp https://bit.ly/3KZUQjG https://bit.ly/3U8xJYz
Mike Fiedler is a PyPI maintainer and Code Gardener and in this episode we talk about how to contribute to open source software (OSS)! We learn how to start easy, contribute effectively, and the best ways to get started! Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miketheman/ https://twitter.com/mikefiedler https://choosealicense.com/ https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example https://www.codetriage.com/ https://goodfirstissue.dev/ https://opensource.com/ https://hacktoberfest.com/
Britton Johnson is a Staff Solution Engineer at VMware and in this episode we talk about the new security and advanced threat protection features in NSX 4.1! Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/britton-johnson-05872959/ https://twitter.com/vcixnv
Britton Johnson is Staff Solution Engineer at VMware and in this episode we start a 4 part series talking about NSX 4.1! In part 1 we talk about core components and capabilities. Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/britton-johnson-05872959/ https://twitter.com/vcixnv
Britton Johnson is Staff Solution Engineer at VMware and in this episode we start a 4 part series talking about NSX 4.1! In part 1 we talk about core components and capabilities. Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/britton-johnson-05872959/ https://twitter.com/vcixnv
Richard Fan is Security Engineer for ExpressVPN and an AWS Community Builder. In this episode he talks about architectural best practices when building a data lake dedicated to security concerns. Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richardfan1126/ https://twitter.com/richardfan1126