#vBrownBag Episodes

Episode Followup – All I need to know about cybersecurity and digital citizenship I learned in middle school with Sean Tibor

Sean discusses lessons he’s learned from his middle school students and how parallels can be drawn to the IT Security world. Resources: https://www.teachingpython.fm/ https://barbaraoakley.com/ https://thenextweb.com/news/weather-apps-are-secretly-selling-your-location-data-to-the-highest-bidder https://www.amazon.com/Soul-New-Machine-Tracy-Kidder-ebook/dp/B005HG4W9W https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0083DJXCM/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1925

Episode Followup – Virtual SQL Server – Actual Performance presented by David Klee

Microsoft SQL can perform really well on virtualized infrastructure if tuned properly. It can also perform really poorly if you don’t know what to tune or what to watch out for. David Klee (https://twitter.com/kleegeek) shares best practices and his favorite tips and tricks to troubleshoot and tune MS SQL on VMware vSphere and other hypervisors.
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Virtual SQL Server – Actual Performance presented by David Klee

Episode Followup – How To Get Into The Video Game Industry with Denis Dyack

Denis Dyack (@Denis_Dyack) presents “How To Get Into The Video Game Industry” Denis Dyack is the Founder and CEO of Apocalypse Studios. He has been making video games for decades and has an extensive list of fantastic games to his credit. His studio evangelizes using a cloud-first approach in game development and partners with AWS
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Episode Followup – Automating the lifecycle of Infrastructure as Code from Deploy to Destroy! with Tim Davis

Tim Davis (@vtimd) presents “Automating the lifecycle of Infrastructure as Code from Deploy to Destroy!” In this presentation, Tim Davis walks us through the process of defining what are stable vs dynamic cloud infrastructures and why you want to use the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) lifecycle. He then does a live demo of the Env0
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Automating the lifecycle of Infrastructure as Code from Deploy to Destroy! with Tim Davis

Episode Followup – Sales Skills for Technical Types with Joe Onisick

Joe Onisick (@joeonisick) presents “Sales Skills for Technical Types” Joe is a self described polarizing technologist and consummate bullshit artist 🙂 That being said, this presentation is no bs! In it he talks about why everyone in tech is also really in sales. This talk is repleat with tips and tricks on how to level
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Sales Skills for Technical Types with Joe Onisick

Episode Followup – Getting Started in Cybersecurity with Christophe Limpalair

Christophe Limpalair (@christophelimp) presents “Getting Started in Cybersecurity” Christophe has worked on several online training platforms including Linux Academy. Recently he founded Cybr.com, a learning platform for cybersecurity. Here he talks about his recommendations for learning about and getting into the various different fields within the realm of cybersecurity. Resources: https://cybr.com https://cybr.com/blog/ https://www.beautiful.ai/player/-MUUEEAeaLVT55LRYDbH https://hackthebox.eu

Episode Followup – Special Education Teacher to AWS Hero with Hiroko Nishimura

Hiroko Nishimura (@hirokonishimura) presents “Ms.Hiro to AWS Hero: From Special Education Teacher to AWS Hero” Hiroko came from a non-technical background and wanted to get into AWS. Here she talks about her tips and recommendations for learning IT jargon when you are starting from zero technical background. Resources: https://hiroko.io https://hirokonishimura.com https://awsnewbies.com/ https://introtoaws.com/

Episode Followup – Admin to Advocacy: How’d you do that? with Jeramiah Dooley

Jeramiah Dooley (@jdooley_clt) presents “Admin to Advocacy: How’d you do that?” Jeramiah gives us an intro into developer and cloud advocacy roles. What it is and what you need to know if you want to get into the field. Resources: http://jeramiah.net/ https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/

Episode Followup – How to Start Doing Data Science with Ayodele Odubela

Ayodele Odubela (@DataSciBae) presents “How to Start Doing Data Science” Ayodele gives us an intro into data science. What it is and what you need to know if you want to get into the field. Code for 25% off her new book: VBROWNBAG Resources: https://ayodeleodubela.com https://bit.ly/DS4A_AYO https://www2.slideshare.net/AyodeleROdubela/how-to-start-doing-data-science-240762610

Episode Followup – Using PowerBI to report on your infrastructure presented by Greg Bates

Greg Bates (@pensrule82) shows us how to supercharge our reporting skills and going past manual Excel reports with an introduction to PowerBI, and how he leverages different data sources such as a custom excel inventory sheet, vRops reports and WSUS patching database data to create reports that help him in his job as an IT
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Using PowerBI to report on your infrastructure presented by Greg Bates

vBrownBag Community at VMworld 2020

It seems that the community is still hard for vendors to include in their conferences & particularly the online replacement for their conferences. The community is my sole reason for going to almost every VMworld event since 2011, so I want to spend time with my community friends at VMworld 2020. With that in mind,
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Episode Followup – Building a K8s lab in 40 minutes with Matt Crape

Matt Crape (@MattThatITGuy) gave us a good introduction to Kubernetes by guiding us through building a simple K8s lab using K3s and Linux VMs. He explained basic concepts, used some of the recommended exercises and listed some of the resources that can be used to continue learning. All his code is available in GitHub: https://github.com/mattthatitguy

vBrownBag TechTalks Before and at VMworld

Our plans for TechTalks at VMworld 2020 are getting clearer. There will be a small number of TechTalks in the official VMware event, repeated in each of the three time zones. We will have quite a few more TechTalks than the VMworld team can accommodate, so we will also have a pre-VMworld event. On Monday
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Episode Followup – Frances Wong VCP-NV NSX-T 2.4 2V0-41.19 study guide

Frances Wong @frances_wong on twitter shows the study guide she did for the VCP -NV based on NSX-T 2.4. She goes deep into her preparation, resources, material and even taking the test remotely. If you used her guide, let her know! Resources: https://virtually2cents.com/nsx-t-2-4-study-guide-support/ https://www.vmware.com/education-services/certification/vcp-nv-nsxt-2019-exam.html