Virtualization Congress 2009 – Thanks for Coming to My Party

It was a success, at least I think so, having survived it. We had about 26-28 folks in the room. Low numbers I’m sure because they bumped us from 4p to 3p, and not all of the materials got updated accordingly. Speaking with the door monitor, she confirmed this, and there was at least another
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Vacation Is Over, Back To Our Regular Schedule

Ok, so it was over this weekend, but that is when On-Call started, so getting back on track has been a bit off. Sorry! There has been quite a lot that happened over that week too, vSphere (Cloud OS) and yet another pissing match between Microsoft and VMware. We’ll not get into that however, it’s
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Managing VI with PowerShell Presentation – What Do You Want To See?

Since y’all voted me and Pancil into the Virtualization Congress. I figure y’all should have some input into the presentation. Keep in mind, we’ll not just be covering managing VMware VI with PowerShell, but we’ll also cover managing Xen & Hyper-V too. Anything general? Anything specific? A particular use case you’d like to see? Leave
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Come See Us In Person – Virtualization Congress Early Bird Registration Ends Soon!

Incase you didn’t know Pancil and I will be presenting “Automating Virtual Infrastructures With Windows PowerShell” at the Virtualization Congress. Yes… Virtualization Infrastructures, not just VMware, but Xen and Hyper-V too. Get your early registration on over here. Leave me a bit of a note in the comments if you’re planning on coming.