Episode Followup – CKA Episode 5: Networking Part 1 with Marino Wijay

Marino Wijay presents “CKA Episode 5: Networking Part 1” Marino Wijay is a Field Engineer at a super secret startup. He could tell you the name of it… but then he’d have to kill you. In this talk he goes into the networking aspects of Kubernetes that you will need to understand to sit and
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Episode Followup – Certified Kubernetes Administrator: Workloads and Scheduling presented by Walid Shaari.

Continuing with our series, in this video will the cover the “Workloads and Scheduling” domain for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam. In episode 4, we are going to be talking with Walid Shaari (@walidshaar) about Workloads and Scheduling. Walid is a cloud-native advocate #RedHatAccelerator, and #AWSContainerHero. He also holds the CKA, CKAD, and CKS certifications
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Episode Followup – Certified Kubernetes Administrator: Cluster Configuration presented by Tyler Hatton

Tonight will be a continuation of our Certified Kubernetes Administrator series, where we are covering the major domains of the exam. In episode 3, we are going to be talking with Tyler Hatton (@tlrhtn) about Cluster Configuration. Tyler is an automation SME and focuses on assisting traditional IT organizations to adopt SRE/DevOps principles. He also
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Episode Followup – Certified Kubernetes Administrator: Cluster Installation presented by Nathan Bennett

Nathan Bennett (https://twitter.com/vNathanBennett) continues our series covering the Certified @Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam. Nathan covered cluster installation methods, demoed an actual installation on a Raspberry Pi, and chatted about the latest Ted Lasso episode. Resources: Nate’s blog on this stuff: https://nerdynate.life/2021/03/14/learning-k8s-on-pi-kubeadm/ Kubernetes.io kubeadm installation: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/install-kubeadm/ vRA stuff: https://vmguru.com/2020/06/kubernetes-as-a-service/ https://vmwarelab.org/2020/02/14/vsphere-customization-with-cloud-init-while-using-vrealize-automation-8-or-cloud/ https://gitlab.com/NathanBennett/k8s Udemy course that will definitely
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Episode Followup – Certified Kubernetes Administrator: Cluster Architecture presented by David Espejo

David Espejo (@davidmirror) kicks off the first episode in our Kubernetes series covering the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam. David has been in the IT industry for over 12 years and has recently obtained his CKA. He discusses the exam format, why teams should consider the use of Kubernetes and dives into the various components
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Episode Followup – Why (stateful) server-less matters for server admins with Leon Stigter

Leon Stigter (https://twitter.com/retgits) walks through the “why” of serverless and shares a demo of using Knative and use cases with tools like VMware’s Event Broker Appliance for automation. Resources: https://flings.vmware.com/vmware-event-broker-appliance https://knative.dev/

Episode Followup – NSX-V to NSX-T migration with the Migration Coordinator with Britton Johnson

Britton Johnson (https://twitter.com/vcixnv) caps off our NSX-T update series with an overview of migrations strategies for current NSX-V customers. NSX-V will be going EOL in early 2022, nearly 10 years after the acquisition of Nicira and birth of NSX! Get the info you need to continue using NSX in it’s new, improved, mutli-cloud version, NSX-T!

Episode Followup – Reverse IT Career: Engaged! with Joe Onisick

Joe Onisick presents “Reverse IT Career: Engaged!” Joe Onisick has been in the IT biz for a long time. This year he decided to sell his house in CA, move to Wyoming, and take up ranching! A lot of folks in the IT world TALK about “going back to a simpler life”, but Joe actually
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Episode Followup – Pydantic: Modern Python Data Validation and Settings by Michael Kennedy

Michael Kennedy (@mkennedy) returns to the show to talk about Pydantic, a Python library that works with data validation and settings management using Python type annotations. Michael joined us previously to discuss Python’s async and await implementations and we are excited to have him back to dive more into all things Python. Michael is a
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Episode Followup – Hands-on IT to CIO: 5 lessons learned by Laurie Capozza

Laurie Capozza (@lauriepcapo) tells us 5 lessons she learned in her career in IT from hands on support all the way to CIO, and we even snuck in some commentary on how COVID has re-inforced these views. You can continue the conversation on Twitter https://twitter.com/lauriepcapo or read her amazing blog https://capozza.io/about-laurie/

Episode Followup – Switching Careers and Taking on New Challenges Without Drowning in Self Doubt with Christina Warren

Christina Warren presents “Switching Careers and Taking on New Challenges Without Drowning in Self Doubt” Christina Warren is a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. In this talk we discuss the good, bad, & the ugly of career changes with some tips she picked up along the way to deal with the dreaded imposter syndrome! Resources:
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Episode Followup – From Technically Challenged to Happy (and Paid) Dev! with Caitlyn Greffly

Caitlyn Greffly presents “From Technically Challenged to Happy (and Paid) Dev!” Caitlyn Greffly went from a non-technical background to become a software engineer. In this talk we discuss her path: what made her pick coding, why she attended a bootcamp (as opposed to learning on her own or traditional schooling), and what things surprised her.
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Episode Followup – Accelerate Your Journey to Cloud with Azure VMware Solution with Shannon Kuehn

Shannon Kuehn presents “Accelerate Your Journey to Cloud with Azure VMware Solution” Shannon Kuehn is a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. In this talk Shannon talks about cloud migrations, Azure VMware Solution, and the who-what-when-where-why of using AVS in your cloud migration strategy! Resources: AVS Overview – https://azure.microsoft.com/services/azure-vmware/ AVS Documentation – https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-vmware/ Azure VMware Solution
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Accelerate Your Journey to Cloud with Azure VMware Solution with Shannon Kuehn

Episode Followup – Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Terraform (But Were Afraid To Ask) by Ned Bellavance

Ned Bellavance (@Ned1313) sits down with us for an discussion about Terraform, the latest from Hashiconf, tips and tricks for using Terraform for automating your infrastructure, and more. Ned is a Hashicorp Ambassador, a Microsoft MVP, and a Pluralsight author. He currently hosts and cohosts podasts such as Day Two Cloud, Buffer Overflow, and The
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Episode Followup – Cisco Intersight Service for HashiCorp Terraform with Vinnie Ramirez

Vinnie Ramirez presents “Cisco Intersight Service for HashiCorp Terraform” Vinnie Ramirez is a Solutions Architect at Hashicorp. In this talk, Vinnie walks us through the Terraform OSS and Enterprise product and how they are different. Then he goes into the architecture of the Cisco Intersight Service and how it can integrate with Terraform to streamline
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