Episode Followup – The Serverless Mindset presented by Matt Morgan

On the 7th birthday of AWS Lambda, Matt Morgan (https://twitter.com/NullishCoalesce) will help you stop hugging your bare metal and get into the serves mindset. To view all the slides covered in this talk, use the link to Matt’s blog below! Resources: https://mattmorgan.cloud/ https://mattmorgan.cloud/appearances#vbrownbag https://docs.aws.amazon.com/step-functions/latest/dg/concepts-amazon-states-language.html

Episode Followup – Introduction to HPC in the Cloud By Earl Dodd

Tonight will be talking with Earl Dodd covering an introduction to HPC, or High Performance Computing, in the cloud. Earl J. Dodd is World Wide Technology???s Global HPC Business Practice Leader for HPC. He provides HPC and Supercomputing strategy, technology enablement, business development, and marketing and sales support to WWT???s global enterprises and governments. He
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Episode Followup – Getting Started With Python Visualizations with Jessica Garson

Jessica Garson presents “Getting Started With Python Visualizations” Jessica Garson is a senior developer advocate for twitter as well as a musician who creates her sound with python! In this episode she live codes how to quickly stand up a data visualization using Python & the Twitter API! Resources: https://twitter.com/jessicagarson https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/getting-started https://dev.to/twitterdev/getting-started-with-data-visualization-with-dash-and-recent-search-counts-22jn https://getting-started-with-dash.herokuapp.com/ https://twittercommunity.com/

Episode Followup – Certified Kubernetes Administrator: Last Minute Exam Prep Tips with Tyler Hatton

Tyler Hatton (https://twitter.com/tlrhtn) wrap up our Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam series with 10 (plus 1!) useful exam preparation tips. From docs, to bookmarks, to testing environment, Tyler will have you well prepared to tackle the CKA exam. Resources:https://docs.linuxfoundation.org/tc-docs/certification/tips-cka-and-ckad https://github.com/shubhamtatvamasi/kubernetes-bookmarkshttps://vim-adventures.com/https://killer.sh/https://katacoda.com/https://kodekloud.com/courses/certified-kubernetes-administrator-cka/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/#kubectl-context-and-configuration

Episode Followup – Certified Kubernetes Administrator: Networking (Part 2) with Marino Wijay

Marino Wijay (https://twitter.com/virtualized6ix) continues our Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam prep series with part 2 of the networking domain. Discussion includes the exam blueprint, services review, CNI review, CoreDNS, and Ingress Resources: http://civo.com http://istio.io https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/network/customize-hosts-file-for-pods/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#-em-ingress-em- https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/ingress-minikube/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/dns-debugging-resolution/

Episode Followup – CKA Episode 5: Networking Part 1 with Marino Wijay

Marino Wijay presents “CKA Episode 5: Networking Part 1” Marino Wijay is a Field Engineer at a super secret startup. He could tell you the name of it… but then he’d have to kill you. In this talk he goes into the networking aspects of Kubernetes that you will need to understand to sit and
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Episode Followup – Certified Kubernetes Administrator: Cluster Installation presented by Nathan Bennett

Nathan Bennett (https://twitter.com/vNathanBennett) continues our series covering the Certified @Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam. Nathan covered cluster installation methods, demoed an actual installation on a Raspberry Pi, and chatted about the latest Ted Lasso episode. Resources: Nate’s blog on this stuff: https://nerdynate.life/2021/03/14/learning-k8s-on-pi-kubeadm/ Kubernetes.io kubeadm installation: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/install-kubeadm/ vRA stuff: https://vmguru.com/2020/06/kubernetes-as-a-service/ https://vmwarelab.org/2020/02/14/vsphere-customization-with-cloud-init-while-using-vrealize-automation-8-or-cloud/ https://gitlab.com/NathanBennett/k8s Udemy course that will definitely
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Certified Kubernetes Administrator: Cluster Installation presented by Nathan Bennett

Episode Followup – Why (stateful) server-less matters for server admins with Leon Stigter

Leon Stigter (https://twitter.com/retgits) walks through the “why” of serverless and shares a demo of using Knative and use cases with tools like VMware’s Event Broker Appliance for automation. Resources: https://flings.vmware.com/vmware-event-broker-appliance https://knative.dev/

Episode Followup – Pydantic: Modern Python Data Validation and Settings by Michael Kennedy

Michael Kennedy (@mkennedy) returns to the show to talk about Pydantic, a Python library that works with data validation and settings management using Python type annotations. Michael joined us previously to discuss Python’s async and await implementations and we are excited to have him back to dive more into all things Python. Michael is a
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Pydantic: Modern Python Data Validation and Settings by Michael Kennedy

Episode Followup – Accelerate Your Journey to Cloud with Azure VMware Solution with Shannon Kuehn

Shannon Kuehn presents “Accelerate Your Journey to Cloud with Azure VMware Solution” Shannon Kuehn is a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. In this talk Shannon talks about cloud migrations, Azure VMware Solution, and the who-what-when-where-why of using AVS in your cloud migration strategy! Resources: AVS Overview – https://azure.microsoft.com/services/azure-vmware/ AVS Documentation – https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-vmware/ Azure VMware Solution
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Accelerate Your Journey to Cloud with Azure VMware Solution with Shannon Kuehn

Episode Followup – Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Terraform (But Were Afraid To Ask) by Ned Bellavance

Ned Bellavance (@Ned1313) sits down with us for an discussion about Terraform, the latest from Hashiconf, tips and tricks for using Terraform for automating your infrastructure, and more. Ned is a Hashicorp Ambassador, a Microsoft MVP, and a Pluralsight author. He currently hosts and cohosts podasts such as Day Two Cloud, Buffer Overflow, and The
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Terraform (But Were Afraid To Ask) by Ned Bellavance

Episode Followup – Cisco Intersight Service for HashiCorp Terraform with Vinnie Ramirez

Vinnie Ramirez presents “Cisco Intersight Service for HashiCorp Terraform” Vinnie Ramirez is a Solutions Architect at Hashicorp. In this talk, Vinnie walks us through the Terraform OSS and Enterprise product and how they are different. Then he goes into the architecture of the Cisco Intersight Service and how it can integrate with Terraform to streamline
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Cisco Intersight Service for HashiCorp Terraform with Vinnie Ramirez

Episode Followup – Fun with AWS Step Functions Sean Doyle

Sean Doyle (@cloudosmotic) presents “Fun with AWS Step Functions”.Sean Doyle is a Principal Cloud Architect with over 20 years in the IT industry ranging from Systems Engineering to Automation and DevOps. Sean also held the titles of AWS Partner Ambassador and AWS Partner AI/ML Blackbelt. In this episode, Sean provides an overview of the AWS
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Fun with AWS Step Functions Sean Doyle

Episode Followup – All I need to know about cybersecurity and digital citizenship I learned in middle school with Sean Tibor

Sean discusses lessons he’s learned from his middle school students and how parallels can be drawn to the IT Security world. Resources: https://www.teachingpython.fm/ https://barbaraoakley.com/ https://thenextweb.com/news/weather-apps-are-secretly-selling-your-location-data-to-the-highest-bidder https://www.amazon.com/Soul-New-Machine-Tracy-Kidder-ebook/dp/B005HG4W9W https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0083DJXCM/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1925

Episode Followup – How To Get Into The Video Game Industry with Denis Dyack

Denis Dyack (@Denis_Dyack) presents “How To Get Into The Video Game Industry” Denis Dyack is the Founder and CEO of Apocalypse Studios. He has been making video games for decades and has an extensive list of fantastic games to his credit. His studio evangelizes using a cloud-first approach in game development and partners with AWS
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – How To Get Into The Video Game Industry with Denis Dyack

Episode Followup – Automating the lifecycle of Infrastructure as Code from Deploy to Destroy! with Tim Davis

Tim Davis (@vtimd) presents “Automating the lifecycle of Infrastructure as Code from Deploy to Destroy!” In this presentation, Tim Davis walks us through the process of defining what are stable vs dynamic cloud infrastructures and why you want to use the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) lifecycle. He then does a live demo of the Env0
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Automating the lifecycle of Infrastructure as Code from Deploy to Destroy! with Tim Davis