vCenter Orchestrator – Add NFS Datastore

Was surprised this wasn’t here by default, but alas, out of the box vCO does not ship with a workflow to manage an NFS datastore. Thanks to the VMware communities for a bit of scripting, I was able to put one together. First we’ll break out the components, then show you how it runs. Finally
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BrownBag – VCAP-DCA vNetwork Distributed Switches

ZOMG It’s that time of week again! The time where we announce the speaker and topic for this week’s BrownBag! Topic: VCAP-DCA Objective 2 – vNetwork Distributed Switches Speaker: Damian Karlson (@sixfootdad) who blogs here. Will be presenting this weeks BrownBag. Damian is VMware Certified Professional (VCP4), a VMware vExpert for 2011, and am currently
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