To extend or not to extend? That is the question.

Using extents gives you flexibility with your volumes and adding extents is a very simple and usually painless process. The ability to dynamically increase your total storage for a single VMFS volume is a feature we all love, but how many of us actually use it? Is it worth the risk? Are you running extents
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Removing VMware Snapshots – With a Bat (PowerShell, CLI, rCLI… and Perl)

I’ve found a few situations in which snapshots get stuck, like glue, to a running VM, and despite your best effort to delete them, they wont go away. Like in-laws, they stick around, a bit longer than is pleasant. If a snapshot has not been removed cleanly on the first try, you may want to
-> Continue reading Removing VMware Snapshots – With a Bat (PowerShell, CLI, rCLI… and Perl)