Import/Export a vApp – VCP4 Objective 5.3

While working through the VCP4 exam objectives I found a section on vApps. Specifically the line item around “Import/Export a Virtual Appliance”. Ignoring the rest, here is how you import and export vApps. Warning, this post is screenshot heavy. Importing There are two ways of going about this. “Deploy OVF” and “Browse VA Marketplace”. If
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Spending an Afternoon with the Host Update Utility

One of the great things about working in IT, is that software will always need to be updated. If it didn’t, some of us would need to find a new line of work. Just because it needs updating, does not mean we have to like it. In fact, most vendor update processes are needlessly obtuse.
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vSphere4 & NTFS – How To, and Why It’s A Bad Idea

Disclaimer: Just because you can do a thing, does not mean it is smart. What is described here is a “Bad Idea” for any number of reasons, the least of which is running non supported 3rd party code on your service console. Further, as you’ll see below, the kernel version ntfs-3g expects, is not the
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vSphere 4 Web UI Fail – Auto Starting The vSphere 4 Web Service

Today was like Christmas morning. All the waiting was over, and I downloaded the eval of vSphere 4. I can still recall the smell of the warm plastic DVD that came out of the writer, and the joy I felt  holding it in my hands. I popped the disk into an unsuspecting box, and began
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Y’all See This? – Nexus 1000v Architecture Write Up

Not sure when I came across this, and how late to the game I am on it, but alas, cleaning out my Firefox tabs today I came across a deployment diagram for the Nexus 1000v on ESX4: Some key observations of importance:     * The version of ESX running here is ESX 4.0 (not yet
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