Episode Followup – Resilience Unleashed: Planning for Disaster Recovery – Kirsten Stoner, Rasmus Haslund
Disasters can strike without warning, and the ability to recover swiftly and effectively is paramount. In this quick 12-minute session, …
Disasters can strike without warning, and the ability to recover swiftly and effectively is paramount. In this quick 12-minute session, …
The purpose of this session is to emphasize the wide range of resources available to members, enabling them to engage actively …
Sharing my experience implementing compliance scanning in Aria Operations for customers like banks and hospitals, either CIS …
In this presentation, I will demonstrate the use of the Horizon Golden Image Deployment Tool. An application that I created to …
What is VCDR? How does it work? Use cases? Differences in using VCDR and other DR Cloud options If companies are looking for …
Britton Johnson is a Staff Solution Engineer at VMware and in this episode we talk about the new security and advanced threat protection features in NSX 4.1! Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/britton-johnson-05872959/ https://twitter.com/vcixnv
Britton Johnson is Staff Solution Engineer at VMware and in this episode we start a 4 part series talking about NSX 4.1! In part 1 we talk about core components and capabilities. Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/britton-johnson-05872959/ https://twitter.com/vcixnv
Britton Johnson is Staff Solution Engineer at VMware and in this episode we start a 4 part series talking about NSX 4.1! In part 1 we talk about core components and capabilities. Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/britton-johnson-05872959/ https://twitter.com/vcixnv
Ben Sier (https://twitter.com/DataReload) and Heath Johnson (https://twitter.com/heathbarj) give updates on the latest version of the VMware Cloud Foundation Lab Constructor (VLC). Run the entire VMware SDDC stack in your home or work lab and deploy it with automation! Resources: https://github.com/jsenicka/holodeck-standard http://tiny.cc/getVLC http://tiny.cc/getVLCSlack https://datareload.com/ https://github.com/Heathbarj/HCX-Multisite-Deployment
Britton Johnson (https://twitter.com/vcixnv) caps off our NSX-T update series with an overview of migrations strategies for current NSX-V customers. NSX-V will be going EOL in early 2022, nearly 10 years after the acquisition of Nicira and birth of NSX! Get the info you need to continue using NSX in it’s new, improved, mutli-cloud version, NSX-T!
Britton Johnson (https://twitter.com/vcixnv) continues our NSX-T update series with an overview of the VCAP-NV exam. Britton covers overall exam structure and breaks it down by requirements, assumptions, constraints, and risks/physical, conceptual, logical design
Britton Johnson (https://twitter.com/vcixnv) continues our NSX-T series on vBrownBag for NSX-T 3.1. Details on Advanced Thread Protection capabilities such as Lastline, Advance Thread, IDPS, and Security are covered as well as some great industry resources.
Shannon Kuehn presents “Accelerate Your Journey to Cloud with Azure VMware Solution” Shannon Kuehn is a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. In this talk Shannon talks about cloud migrations, Azure VMware Solution, and the who-what-when-where-why of using AVS in your cloud migration strategy! Resources: AVS Overview – https://azure.microsoft.com/services/azure-vmware/ AVS Documentation – https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-vmware/ Azure VMware Solution
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Accelerate Your Journey to Cloud with Azure VMware Solution with Shannon Kuehn
Nick Fritcsh (https://twitter.com/nfritsch) shares an update on VMware Skyline. Nick shares product features, use cases, and even dives into a demo of the product. Best of all, it’s free for VMware customers with active support! Resources: https://skyline.vmware.com/get-started https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/55928 https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/71071?lang=en_US&queryTerm=71071
Microsoft SQL can perform really well on virtualized infrastructure if tuned properly. It can also perform really poorly if you don’t know what to tune or what to watch out for. David Klee (https://twitter.com/kleegeek) shares best practices and his favorite tips and tricks to troubleshoot and tune MS SQL on VMware vSphere and other hypervisors.
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Virtual SQL Server – Actual Performance presented by David Klee
Sean Hicks (@SeanHicks77) presents “VMware Anywhere – VMware on X” What kind of cool stuff can you do when you combine VMware and your favorite public cloud? Resources: https://vmc.vmware.com/ https://www.wwt.com/atc
Bob Plankers (https://twitter.com/plankers) continues our vSphere7 series with a look at new security features and guidance in vSphere 7. Resources: https://twitter.com/vSphereSecurity https://www.vmware.com/security/advisories.html https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Validated-Design/services/introduction-to-security-and-compliance/ https://github.com/vmware/dod-compliance-and-automation
Mike Foley (https://twitter.com/mikefoley) continues our vSphere 7 series with a look at vCenter 7 with Kubernetes. Mike walks through some of the architecture and workflows of administering Kubernetes on vSphere 7. Resources: Mike Foley’s Blogs: https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/author/mike_foley Micheal West’s Blogs: https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/author/michaelwest vSphere 7 Hands-on Labs: https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2020/06/announcing-the-vsphere-7-hands-on-labs.html
sNigel Hickey (https://twitter.com/vCenterNerd) kicks off our vSphere 7 series with a look at vCenter 7 server. Nigel will highlight both improvements to existing features as well as some new goodies! ?Resources:?vSphere 7 blog – http://vmw.re/vsphere7 vSphere Upgrade Center – https://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/upgrade-center.html
Paul Mancuso (https://twitter.com/pmancuso) dives into the how and why of design decisions when deploying VMware NSX over Cisco ACI and other data center fabrics.