Episode Followup – Once More Into The Breach by Renaldi Gondosubroto

Renaldi Gondosubroto is a developer advocate for cloud security as well as an AWS Community Builder and joins us today with his talk Once More Into the Breach, establishing a secure coding culture in an era of continuous threats. Renaldi is a software developer, enjoys ethical hacking, and enjoys sharing his knowledge and insights at
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Episode Followup – Using Cloudflare Tunnels for Self-Hosted Apps with Chris Colotti

Chris Colotti is Principal Solutions Architect at Cohesity and in this episode: We all run some kind of self-hosted apps, and we’ve probably been accessing them remotely in similar ways, but there’s a new much more secure, and easy way to access all these self-hosted applications using CloudFlare Tunnels and CloudFlare Access which is FREE!
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Episode Followup – Building Loosely Coupled & Scalable Backends Using AWS Serverless with Lakindu Hewawasam

Lakindu Hewawasam is a Software Engineer at Enlear and in this episode, we talk about the proper way to scale serverless architectures using AWS services and some lessons learned from his previous projects! Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lakindu-hewawasam/ https://twitter.com/lakinduhewa

Episode Followup – Decomposing Terraform for Multiple Clouds with Rob Hirschfeld

Rob Hirschfeld is CEO of RackN, and in this episode, we go through the pros and cons of Terraform and how to leverage it for use in Multiple clouds! Resources: Infrastructure as Code at Enterprise Scale?> https://youtu.be/bmPCSsAMayw Building templates from scratch > https://youtu.be/EfJ0d9pr16k Digital Rebar playlist > https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXPBeIrpXjfigvrXEQIJxXmFdTHqobooH https://fosstodon.org/@zehicle@hachyderm.io https://twitter.com/zehicle

Episode Followup – Building a To-Do checklist with Django and Bulma CSS

Fafa, aka, Python King, will show us how to build a simple to-do checklist application with Python. Although this could seem like a simple thing to do, it will be an easy way to introduce you into some tools and resources needed to build an application in Python using Django and Bulma CSS Resources: https://github.com/UffaModey

Episode Followup – Building a To-Do checklist with Django and Bulma CSS

Fafa, aka, Python King, will show us how to build a simple to-do checklist application with Python. Although this could seem like a simple thing to do, it will be an easy way to introduce you into some tools and resources needed to build an application in Python using Django and Bulma CSS Resources: https://github.com/UffaModey

Episode Followup – How I Used Python & JavaScript to Build 3-D Tools in Space! with Christi Kazakov

Chrisi Kazakov is Senior Software Engineer for WWT and in this episode we talk about a “fun little side project” that she is doing where she’s creating a program that helps PEOPLE IN SPACE select the correct tool to be 3-D printed faster in a “stressful environment” (like… the air is leaving the space capsule!)
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – How I Used Python & JavaScript to Build 3-D Tools in Space! with Christi Kazakov

Episode Followup – IT and Woodworking: a match made in quarantine presented by Jad El-Zein

Jad El-Zein (https://twitter.com/virtualjad) shares how he adopted a new hobby of woodworking during COVID lockdown. Hear all of Jad’s lessons learned, tips and tricks, and favorite resources. Resources: https://www.mfgtray.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fraction-Decimal-Conversion.pdf https://www.sketchup.com/ https://www.youtube.com/c/Bourbonmothdecor https://www.youtube.com/thewoodwhisperer https://www.youtube.com/c/FishersShop https://www.youtube.com/c/darbinorvar https://www.youtube.com/c/JaredAndCassy https://www.youtube.com/c/Fixthisbuildthat https://www.youtube.com/c/TylerG1 https://www.youtube.com/c/SharaWoodshopDiaries https://www.youtube.com/c/KatzMosesWoodworkingShop

Episode Followup – VMware Cloud Foundation Lab Constructor – On YOUR Prem presented by Ben Sier and Heath Johnson

Ben Sier (https://twitter.com/DataReload) and Heath Johnson (https://twitter.com/heathbarj) give updates on the latest version of the VMware Cloud Foundation Lab Constructor (VLC). Run the entire VMware SDDC stack in your home or work lab and deploy it with automation! Resources: https://github.com/jsenicka/holodeck-standard http://tiny.cc/getVLC http://tiny.cc/getVLCSlack https://datareload.com/ https://github.com/Heathbarj/HCX-Multisite-Deployment

Episode Followup – Bias and Ignorance in Continous Delivery with Christian Tragesser

Christian Tragesser is senior DevOps Engineer for WWT “As a consultant, I???ve participated in many projects intended to improve the velocity of custom software development, application resiliency, and a preferred customer experience. Often, continuous delivery accompanied by a myriad of DevOps-related tools are targeted solutions for realizing these characteristics. However, many efforts fail to achieve
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Episode Followup – What Git Metrics Can Tell You About Your Team presented by Dwayne McDaniel

Tonight we are again joined by Dwayne McDaniel (@mcdwayne) who will be helping us explore what Git Metrics can tell you about your team. In this interesting talk, Dwayne helps us align DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) metrics to metrics that can be discovered in your git environments. With this data, we can measure and
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Episode Followup – Everything I Wish I Knew About AWS Certification with Andrew Brown

CEO of ExamPro and AWS Hero, Andrew Brown walks us through how to study for an AWS exam, where you should get started, and what you should do after you pass! He also provides insight into which track you should follow based upon which job you are aspiring to get! Resources: https://www.exampro.co/ https://twitter.com/andrewbrown https://www.slideshare.net/ChrisWilliams33/what-i-wish-i-knew-about-aws-certification-2022

Episode Followup – Flying Blind: Real-Time Video Analytics w/ #Python & OpenCV with Leah Ellis-Clemons

Data Scientist at World Wide Technology, Leah Ellis-Clemons gives an overview of the specific considerations for implementing machine learning models in Python in real time including OpenCV and Multiprocessing… She gives us a live demonstration of her code as well! Resources: https://github.com/LEllisClemons/Lego_Detector_Realtime https://www.kaggle.com/code/databeru/classify-bricks-compare-transfer-learning-model/notebook https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/joosthazelzet/lego-brick-images https://www.linkedin.com/in/leah-ellis-clemons-6230aa68/ https://www.udemy.com/course/python-for-computer-vision-with-opencv-and-deep-learning

Episode Followup – Demystifing Git presented by Dwayne McDaniel

Tonight we are joined by Dwayne McDaniel (@mcdwayne) who will be helping us Demystify Git. We will journey into the .git folder, and take a look at how git really operates under the hood, a little bit of history on git, and exciting new features of git, as well as some lesser known features that
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Demystifing Git presented by Dwayne McDaniel

Episode Followup – APIs Aren’t Just For Developers Anymore with Shannon Kuehn

Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, Shannon Kuehn (@shankuehn) walks us through a brilliant introduction on what a APIs are, REST vs SOAP vs XML, and how YOU can start using them straight away! Resources: https://twitter.com/shankuehn https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannonkuehn/ https://425show.com https://www.postman.com/ https://youtu.be/NXhKhuILxYw

Episode Followup – What is OpenShift and what does it have to do with Kubernetes?

Tonight will be talking with Diamond Jorsling (@EngineeredCurlz) covering OpenShift; what it is, why it is awesome, and how it compares to vanilla Kubernetes. Diamond is an SRE who focuses on DevSecOps. She works with all things RedHat, AWS, CI/CD, and Containers. She currently works with Microsoft focusing on RedHat Openshift. She provides an overview
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