Buy One Get One Free Virtualization Books!

Hey, you guyyyys! 🙂 As you may be aware, a number of friends of the #vBrownBag podcast and friends within the overall virtualization community have written books for Packt Publishing. I recently found out that they’re celebrating their 2,000th title by offering a Buy One Get One Free deal. This is a limited time offer
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How has the VMware community improved your career?

Hi everyone, Damian here. I’ve been asked to speak at the Seattle VMUG on April 1st, and Jonathan Frappier has been asked to speak at the Providence VMUG later in March. Our respective planned topics include a discussion around the VMware community (Twitter, the #vBrownBag, conferences, #vBeers, VMUGs, etc.) and its benefit to your career.
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Review of “Troubleshooting vSphere Storage” by Mike Preston

Recently I was extended an opportunity to read and review “Troubleshooting vSphere Storage” by my friend, Mike Preston (@mwpreston | [Amazon | Packt Publishing]

This book is based on vSphere 5.1 and only covers those features and the functionality available in the 5.1 thick client. (Personally, I felt the 5.1 web client was…full of opportunities for improvement), but the lack of web client related information doesn’t detract at all from the depth of technical knowledge that’s packed into this book. It weighs in at about 127 pages + index, and spares no time in jumping right in.


#vBrownBag Contest – Adventures in PowerShell

Cody blogged earlier regarding his Python solution to easily and fairly identifying #vBrownBag lottery winners. I chose to go the PowerShell route, but more as a fun little thing to do than anything. Ultimately it was Cody’s code that picked the winners. So here’s my solution using PoSH. $spreadsheet = Import-Csv c:\Users\damian\Desktop\vBrownBag_Giveaway.csv $prizes = @{“Trainsignal”
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#vBrownBag US: Call for presenters

One of the toughest challenges for any weekly podcast is having a steady line-up of guests. We’d like to widen our circle of regular presenters, and would love to have YOU present! The #vBrownBag US podcast airs from 7:30 to 8:30PM Central. Please visit for the #vBrownBag Presenter Guidelines more information. Please complete the form
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AutoLab automation uncovered, vCloud

Alastair Cooke just released AutoLab v1.0 to production, and I wanted to talk a bit about the automation that went into the vCloud Director portion of the AutoLab. Before I get started, I’d like to point out a quote that’s attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on
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