Episode Followup – Learning & Teaching Python with Sean and Kelly! Presented by Sean Tibor & Kelly Schuster-Paredes

Sean Tibor & Kelly Schuster-Paredes (@smtibor @kellyPared) continue our Python For DevOps series and discuss methods for learning more effectively, increasing retention, and stuffing more info into your head! Resources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19hVYKQKMAOv6wN5lgu6tVh3G3xJndgd2mMqqxIRtzcs/edit https://realpython.com/ https://codechalleng.es/ https://codecombat.com/ https://www.fast.ai/ https://nostarch.com/pythoncrashcourse2e https://nostarch.com/automatestuff https://www.youtube.com/user/sentdex https://pybit.es/special-100days.html https://www.udemy.com/the-modern-python3-bootcamp/

Episode Followup – Building Small, Sharp Tools with Python by Keith Thompson @keiththomps

Keith Thompson continues our Python for DevOps series and shows us one of his upcoming projects that he’s written as an instructor for LinuxAcademy.com Resources: linuxacademy.com coderjourney.com *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Building Small, Sharp Tools with Python by Keith Thompson @keiththomps

Episode Followup – Intro to CI/CD with Python presented by Chris Arceneaux

Chris Arceneaux (@chris_arceneaux) continues our Python For DevOps series and discusses how to use the CI/CD platforms Travis CI & Gitlab Resources: https://www.arsano.ninja/ https://github.com/carceneaux/travis-ci-python-demo https://github.com/carceneaux/gitlab-ci-python-demo *About vBrownBag* SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/vBBYoutube Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vBrownBag Facebook: https://facebook.com/vBrownBag iTunes: http://bit.ly/vbrownbagitunes Google+: google.com/+vBrownBag https://vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in IT
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – Intro to CI/CD with Python presented by Chris Arceneaux

Episode Followup – HashiCorp Tools – Overview, Workflow & Demo with @gmaentz

Gabe Maentz, fellow long time vCommunity and member and co-founder of vBrisket gives us a “speed-dating” introduction of all the more famous HashiCorp tools: Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, Vault and Consul. He ties it all in really nicely in his demos by using the https://nifi.apache.org/ OSS application and an AWS backend. He regularly blogs at http://www.maentz.net/
-> Continue reading Episode Followup – HashiCorp Tools – Overview, Workflow & Demo with @gmaentz

Episode Followup – Governing your Microsoft Azure Environment with Phoummala Schmitt

As a conclusion to our 2019 Azure series, Phoummala Schmitt discusses how Microsoft takes the pain out of Azure governance using policies and blueprints. Reach Phoummala at twitter.com/ExchangeGoddess or by email at ExchangeGoddess @ microsoft.com All Azure Governance documentation can be found at http://aka.ms/cloudgovernance